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- Jan 10, 2012
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I wanted to capture Vlad the Impaler at the moment he realises the terrible bargain he has made. He has transformed into the vampire as dusk settles but as the sun dips under the horizon he realises he will never see it again or feel its warmth. He sheds his last tear as his humanity and soul slips into the demon he becomes as Dracula. I thought Karol Rudyk's sculpt was perfect for this, particularly because of its almost Shakespearean pose.
I was inspired by a great photo of Lyon at dusk by
With the help of Roman Lappat at a 2-day private coaching session, I think we may have achieved it. It was an unusual coaching session as I didn't do the usual exercises (i.e. paint the wolf etc) but we dove straight in! My goal with coaching overall is to develop the capability to bring to life some of my ideas that are bubbling away. My goal with roman, other than 3-4 light effects was to create visual interest and texture. My thanks go to Roman for such a great time."
- Richard
Hello Jungle,
time for another private coaching session review.
This time with a students that I have seen quite often this year: Richard.
Richard is originally located in Australia, but job-wise based in France for some time. His goal is to take everything he can learn from Europe's big offer of miniature painting coachings, seminars and events home to his motherland.
After a Beginner Seminar Richard took the chance to stay a little longer in Augsburg and visit me for a two day private coaching. It also has been my birthday and yes, some good beer was gone in these days. Cake and beer and happy painting!
Thank you Richard for spenting true hot days in the studio with me. On the photo of the studio in the morning everything looks so calm, but in the afternoon the heat did strike.
Nonetheless we painted.
With a concept and theory behind it.

Richard's project was massive!
For explanation purpose I started to paint this bust ...
... by ...
Let's get back to Richard's plan on painting the craziest thing he ever did ... blurry, sorry!
More 'sharp' now!

A crazy project that we pulled off together here.
Richard did write up a great review of the coaching:
Thank you, Richard
for your support in my teachings, passion, art andd work. It was my absolute pleasure to see you again and paint with you through the heat as long as we were able to stand it.
Thank you for the great chats my friend!
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
Do you want your own private coaching and all your miniature painting questions answered?
Feel free to contact me via: jarhead---at---massivevoodoo---dot---com, please be aware that I am already making appointments for early 2019 and that I am only quite fast in answering my emails. Thank you for your patience!
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If you like to support or say thanks the monkeys of Massive Voodoo in what they do, please feel invited to drop a jungle donation in their direction via paypal or check their miniatures they got on sale here.
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