Reviews Purchased or Donated ??


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Jan 7, 2020
When carrying out a review on a kit, Do members feel that it would be helpful if the following information be included in the review.

A, The kit was purchased by the person carrying out the review with the intention of making/ painting said kit.
B, The kit was donated to the person by the manufacturer for the purpose of carrying out a review.

Hi Geoff

Most of my reviews are sent by manufacturers for review and this is acknowledged in the review , if I have purchased that's mentioned as well

All I do are happy to send items for review what ch in my case on average takes 5 hours if not more ...once finished the item is in my GA

Is it helpful ...not sure how either way as reviews are or should be a honest look at a item ......Sure other reviewers like me will wonder why the question ?

All are welcome to do a review of anything of course


PS I moved this to the Lounge part as its not actually a review

...Most of my reviews are sent by manufacturers for review and this is acknowledged in the review , if I have purchased that's mentioned...

It's good to disclose that info, especially in the case of a product sent by the manufacturer to have it reviewed. Due diligence on the part of the reviewer, and the readers can be reasonably assured that the review is fair and impartial, based on the reviewer's own experience and opinion, and not bought.


PS-Yeah, I wondered a little about what prompted the question, especially from a brand-new Planeteer.
Don't see any point. Kind of odd question.
If someone reviews an undeclared donated kit does that bring into question the honesty and value of the review???
I don't think so.............
Most of the guys on here doing reviews are very open to the membership, providing full details of who they are and where they're from.
They don't hide behind anonymity, they voluntarily open themselves up to criticism should purchasers feel disgruntled.
A review would never influence a purchase decision on my part, no one is going to bite the hand that feeds them, I've never seen a poor review on here so what's the point?

My decisions are based on the Subject, the supplier and knowledge of products either from friends or previous experience. It is helpful when reviewers post reference material but some Manufacturers are now doing the same and that is a good trend in my view.

Sorry if it is a little controversial but where do you draw the line between reviews and a Business and Turkeys don't vote for Xmas.

99.9% of mine have been bought or from other family members only one was given to me to review as I liked it and wanted to review it but it was cheap. As Nap said and I will as well, my reviews take me about 2-4hrs and are free to watch ( no Ads ) I have about 400 vids. I do it because I love the hobby and wanted an extra hobby which became reviews :) . I would love to be "sent stuff" to review but I would like to pick the stuff I know is good ( not expensive!! just stuff I think wow or I am interested in ) as I am not a fan a putting things down unless I think it is not good money for value.

I don't mean this to be hard but...………………………………………. how much do you pay the reviewer for his time to do the review???? How many times if you like a review/s do you leave a comment or send a PM to that reviewer thanking them for a review?? How much do you think 2-4hrs of your time is worth if I asked you to do some work for me??

If I do a review on a $15 single 1/35 figure and it take me 2 hrs to show the parts, clean the parts, put the figure together, set my lights up, set my tripod up, use my vid camera that I bought for reviews to get close ups of small figures, put the figure on the turntable which I bought to do reviews, do the video which might go for 5 times longer than the one you see at the end, edit the video, wait for it to upload to YouTube and add details. This process is not a five minute job it takes time . ..... that was just a rant :)

I have done negative reviews or negative comments on my reviews here, poor parts/casting. I like to think that I am watching the review myself to make up my mind if I would like to buy the kit/figure.

Just some thoughts that came to mind :)
In my reviews, I paid for all the kits. I listed the price and the company that I bought from.
Photo shooting the kits consume most of the time. Video reviews are much more easier for me. I don’t receive any money from manufactures. I am not afraid to point out good and bad casting or good and bad customer service. Honesty is the only way to do review.
Remembered the Samurai with horse head bust which I bought couple years ago. I even got insulted by the manufacture. That was the worst customer service that I had experienced.(n)

I know a guy here in Germany,he reviewed many figures/busts for a long disappeared modelling magazine,more bad than right.
And over the years he sells them on every occassion.It smells bittersweet,on one side,he has never spent a dime on it,on the other side,some very rare items are to buy.
The argument for this/his behaviour is,he needs the money...…...:cautious::bored::shifty:
I know a guy here in Germany,he reviewed many figures/busts for a long disappeared modelling magazine,more bad than right.

And over the years he sells them on every occassion.It smells bittersweet,on one side,he has never spent a dime on it,on the other side,some very rare items are to buy.

The argument for this/his behaviour is,he needs the money...…...:cautious::bored::shifty:

Not sure if he is the problem or the magazine :), also if he wrote a review he spent his time doing so ( good or bad review). Lots of people will have different thoughts on a figure/kit that's why reviews are helpful but good quality pics or vids that show the item pieces are a great help. If he was given the pieces to review and keeping them was part of the deal I don't see a problem with him selling them, if they were stolen than that is very different.

I see people rave about Forge World stuff and for the price they charge I would say the stuff I have gotten was bad recast quality but others will still promote it as great quality or say it costs more because they do it "in house". Is my review of their stuff bad?? some may say "yes" but I stand by what I have said as it was shocking quality.
I see a difference between reviews in mags that you have to pay for and free internet forums like PF. As a reviewer in the mags you might depend upon the manufacturer/distributor that places adds in your magazine and provides more free samples if he is happy with the reviews.
It is not the same on this forum. Anybody can do a successful review as long as he provides good pictures of the contents and maybe some background info as an extra. Many producers do the same when they announce their news and everybody is free to give his opinion on historical accuracy, anatomy etc. In many cases you can check the internet for more pictures and reviews of the same kit and as a future customer you no longer depend upon one opinion.
No need for a change IMHO.
Hi All,
Having done a few reviews, a review or open box for me personally is about the enthusiasm I have for the particular subject/figure. May be giving a few extra angles and close up shots (not always easy with my camera work) that you do not get when the figure is released and trying to show off some of the exquisite detail that has been sculpted.
I think sometimes minor inaccuracies are subconsciously overlooked by me due to my enthusiasm and knowing I can easily fix them.

Others especially Nap provided a lot of extra information and vey useful reference material as Keith mentioned. I would love to try and a video review sometime but it would take longer to add the subtitles due to the dialect.

A look in the box or in depth review is not a five minute job for those who give up their free time in order to do it. I like to think we do it for the good of the hobby.

I've never been asked if "purchased or donated" but I think I always state this anyway as all others do, even if I have done a build for someone.

The most frequent question I'm asked personally about reviews is "why do you promote other figures and companies when you have your own range", simple...…..why not. If it's my period and subject matter why should I care were the source comes from and if a review of mine does help another company then that's good for the hobby.

As Keith said -
decisions are based on the Subject, the supplier and knowledge of products either from friends or previous experience. Well said Keith. and to add to that "not on reviews whether purchased or donated"

I post up the occasional review on here, always of figures that I've bought myself and usually of new stuff that (as far as I know) hasn't yet been reviewed elsewhere already.

I'll always accentuate any positives, but equally I won't hold back from pointing out any negatives otherwise what's the point in doing a review if all you're going to do is blow smoke up the manufacturer's backside and be a "Yes" man?

Some years ago on an armour forum, I posted a very favourable review of a new product that a Russian manufacturer (who I won't name) had put out. I didn't comment negatively on it for the simple reason that I thought it was a very good product and I couldn't find any negatives.

A few days later the manufacturer got in touch with me via PM thanking me for the review and offering to send me free products which, in return, I'd then review for them online. I replied back saying that I'd be happy to do that and will always give credit where it's due, but please bear in mind that I also like to take a fair & balanced approach and that if I don't like it for any reason, I will say so in the review.

I never heard back from them again. Read into that what you will.

- Steve
I appreciate all reviews that members put online. It makes no difference to me whether it's purchased or donated but I would think it strange if the reviewer doesn't want to disclose this. I guess you might summarise that as 'keep doing what y'all doing'.
PS-Yeah, I wondered a little about what prompted the question, especially from a brand-new Planeteer.

The OP has edited his profile to just show his christian name. Unless we have two members with the same (uncommon) name he is an old member who for whatever reason has rejoined. All his posts are somewhat confrontational.

I actually didn’t mind the topic/ question as some reviews on any subject are just paid for all over the world. I think most of the members here are pretty into the hobby and couldn’t be bothered to do a review just to bullsh#t to other members. I guess that is why this is my favourite Figure site :)