Roman Centurion - 1/10th scale bust


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
I recieved in the mail today the new kit by Young Miniatures. The 1/10th scale Roman Centurion cast in yellow resin. Each kit I have seen from the Talented Young gets better and better. His attention to detail In my estimation has catapalted his company into the fore front of miniature manufactures.


The figure kit is comprised of 15 seperate parts ( counting the plaque for the base and the 4 additional etched brass parts supplied ). The mold lines are almost non existant and I saw no air bubbles. The chin armor ties are supplied with a much neccessary thin film of mold sprue to keep them intact durring shipping and adds to the detail Young has provided. The chin armor is seperate from the helmet to provide the painter access to paint the face much easier.



The helmet is seperate from the head, once again allowing the painter full access to a beautifully sculpted face. Below you will see the podium the chest fits on with the head resting on the chest with the brass plaque tacked to a Ken Thomas base. Really a nice presentation.


Here is the main part of the helmet resting on top of the head.


The face, to me, will be the main focal point with actual beard hair detail sculpted into the chin ( I thought it was Young's painting giving the Roman a 5 0'clock shadow ) giving the face that much more detail.




As you can see I have already drilled the neck to mount the head on a 1/2 inch dowel to facilitate the flesh painting that I will do later this afternoon / evening.

This is a beautiful kit and has to be Young's best to date.......highly reccomended.

Thanks for the shots Guy. Young B Song does a nice job imho, I have his Roman Soldier, 1st Legio, Augustas (1st Century AD) from Mig Productions. I can't wait to get on it. Its to valuable for me to start at this stage in my painting career. I'm hoping to do it once I have some more experience under my belt.
Guy, What a great bust, not a subjects that really interests me, but you cannot deny the craftsmanship of this piece. Including the nameplate for the base is a nice touch.~Gary
After posting the kit review.....I couldn't put this figure away and have just finished the flesh along with the eyes. I will start a new vbench topic in my vbench tomorrow after shooting photos of the finished head / flesh.

Its an awesome bust.