Roman figures for the RP Carthago War Elephant


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A Fixture
May 8, 2009
Saw these on facebook. It might work with the RP Carthago War Elephant.

48372585_1382789521857242_3035388031012962304_n.jpg 47687951_1382789611857233_658008093761732608_o.jpg 47683854_1382789581857236_412755939217637376_o.jpg 47688753_1382789625190565_1953940619072110592_o.jpg
I'm in for the first three and these additional ones makes the wait all the more worth it. Fantastic poses!
I was leaning towards using a couple of them to maybe go with the Boutica War Chariot, then the rest as stand alone figures.

as a glance would be fine but the XIII legio was created several years later, I do not know if the Roman uniforms are correct
Jai, good point. I'll have to see the finished product and get some good references. Maybe with a little adjustment, they could work.
I like that their line of sight puts them looking at something about the height of the chariot.

The Carthaginian War Elephant would be enhanced from the addition of some enemy figures interacting with the mounted warriors. There are two main problems, firstly the dearth of scale Romans from the time of the Punic wars. Secondly even if there were (and these are not) suitable figures, unless they were sculpted to work with the elephant then major surgery would be required.
Agree with Del's comments above.

I'm wondering if some accompanying Punic War era Romans might be on Hugo's "to do" list.

Are you listening Hugo??!! ;);)

- Steve
There is a possibility here for a producer to take the Semper Fidelis concept. Producing figures that work as single, pairs and vignettes. This way they could be linked to the elephant or not.
Obvoiously these could not be a limited run or it wouldn't be viable. Three welll designed figures would do it.
But the SF figures are 1st Century AD, are they not?
- Steve
These are all Pegaso Steve. It are figures within the 1st Century after it goes to 100 years.
In the UK they use the term BC/AD.... I thought it was the same as Before Christ and After Christ.......Excuse me if I'm totally lost my mind :D
But these Pegaso's are from the Boudica time. I didn't look to SGF.

I’ll defer to those more in the know about this time period but doesn’t the SF figures have very similar clothing and accouterments of the Pegaso figures? Del hit it on the mark too. Just 2-3 figures to balance either the elephant or chariot would be most welcomed

The centurion should be at the front on the right and the optio should be at the back not in the front rank. Otherwise superbly posed figures. I have long since given up 54mm for the larger scales.

For the war elephant the figures would need to be Roman Republican troops. These are from (I think) the early Imperial period, roughly 250 - 300 years later (so OK for the Boudica chariot).

- Steve

Spot on.These are nor correct for a Punic Wars setting.
