A Fixture
Roman Signifer 1st Century AD
200mm Resin & white metal
Sculpted by Zhou Chun Mei
Painted by Lee Sang Eon
33 total parts
Roman Signifer 1st Century AD
200mm Resin & white metal
Sculpted by Zhou Chun Mei
Painted by Lee Sang Eon
33 total parts
Historical Note:
Roman Legionary Signifer -
The Signifer was a standard bearer of the Roman Legions and carried a Signum (standard) for their century(unit of ~80 men led by a Centurion). The signum was the military emblem of that unit, composed of a number of Philarae(disks) mounted on a pole, and often topped with a "Manus"(human hand) image. The Signifers were officers and could be distinguished from other soldiers by the wearing of animal-head skins, such as the wolf pelt that Seil’s Signifer has draped over his helmet and shoulders.
The signum had important practical functions for the Legion. Since the legionary could see the standards above the action, they helped to keep the units together. The signum also helped to preserve the cohesiveness and pride of each unit, as they represented a concrete symbol of that unit's achievements. Seil’s Signifer stands in the front line of the battle, holding the signum for the legionaries to follow and with his Gladius(sword) drawn defiantly at his side.
This month's bust from Seil again comes in a sturdy black box with 33 total resin & white metal parts. This also include a wooden dowel for the standard and a brass etched plaque for the finished base.
Roman Legionary Signifer -
The Signifer was a standard bearer of the Roman Legions and carried a Signum (standard) for their century(unit of ~80 men led by a Centurion). The signum was the military emblem of that unit, composed of a number of Philarae(disks) mounted on a pole, and often topped with a "Manus"(human hand) image. The Signifers were officers and could be distinguished from other soldiers by the wearing of animal-head skins, such as the wolf pelt that Seil’s Signifer has draped over his helmet and shoulders.
The signum had important practical functions for the Legion. Since the legionary could see the standards above the action, they helped to keep the units together. The signum also helped to preserve the cohesiveness and pride of each unit, as they represented a concrete symbol of that unit's achievements. Seil’s Signifer stands in the front line of the battle, holding the signum for the legionaries to follow and with his Gladius(sword) drawn defiantly at his side.
This month's bust from Seil again comes in a sturdy black box with 33 total resin & white metal parts. This also include a wooden dowel for the standard and a brass etched plaque for the finished base.
Above you see all the parts derived from this kit including the many parts for building the Roman standard.