Hello everybody! Yesterday I finished to paint one of my favorite busts - Ronin bust . ( № 14 ) Scale : 200 mm. Pegaso Models. I used acrylic and tempera for painting, as always.
Best regards from St.Petersburg (Russia), Olga Zernina.
How do paint white hair? I have the bust of Marshal Bessieres from Alexandros Miniatures, and I would like to paint his hair the way you painted Ronin's. Thank you.
How do paint white hair? I have the bust of Marshal Bessieres from Alexandros Miniatures, and I would like to paint his hair the way you painted Ronin's. Thank you.
wow, yet another absolutely stunning piece of work
i have been fortunate to see one of your pieces in the flesh and was absolutely amazed at the quality of your work.
Olga what can I say?This has become your signature piece by now.You can paint a thousand versions of it and I will simply try to lift my jaw from the floor each time.You are an artist of the highest calibre and I stand in awe before your immense talent.Thank you for sharing your beautiful,inspiring and completely unreachable works.