taff edwards
A Fixture
Hi Guys
Done some work on JW working on the rains will be adding hopefull the suggestion of back of saddle and bed role rising up to give sense of movement lariat will be bouncing to
Need to finish hands revolver mane lots of fidley bits and bobs thanks for the base Pete and of course out good pal Jumbo he of the new legs for believing in my idea although he did look at me a bit strange lol
Cheers guys
Done some work on JW working on the rains will be adding hopefull the suggestion of back of saddle and bed role rising up to give sense of movement lariat will be bouncing to
Need to finish hands revolver mane lots of fidley bits and bobs thanks for the base Pete and of course out good pal Jumbo he of the new legs for believing in my idea although he did look at me a bit strange lol
Cheers guys