Dan Morton
A Fixture
First some photos of RFC airfields in France and Belgium. Then some images of fliers, mechanics and officers.
Airfield at Hesdigneul.jpg12.4 KB
Huts, Officers mess, blacksmith shop.jpg41.8 KB
Merville May 1915.jpg13.3 KB
Nivelles Airfield in Belgium.jpg28 KB
Nivelles airfield sheds.jpg18.2 KB
Quonset hut in France.jpg48.3 KB
SE5 pilot equipped for cold weather.jpg87.8 KB
St. Omer August 1915.jpg12.7 KB
1918 RFC Observers Uniform.jpg35.2 KB
Captain-Frank-Bickerton---Royal-Flying-Corps,-1918.jpg85 KB
Group-picture.jpg83.8 KB
Close-up-1-of-group-picture.jpg51.7 KB
Close-up-2-of-group-picture.jpg63.9 KB
Close-up-3-of-group-picture.jpg41.7 KB
Pilots'-consultation.jpg59.4 KB
RFC-cleaning-Lewis-gun-ammo-holder-cans.jpg98.7 KB
RFC-shoulder-strip.jpg6.2 KB
Tunic.jpg66.8 KB
Tunic (2).jpg59 KB