A Fixture
Hello Folks
Sculpted for me by Moz is this 1/9th scale Royal Marine sniper. He is armed with the Lee Enfield Mk1(T) snipers rifle, originally sculpted by Steve Reedie. He wears a denison smock and commando battle dress trousers which had a specially tailored pocket for the Sykes Fairbairn knife. He carries a bergan haversack along with spotting scope and rifle scope cases.
Most of this equipment was used up to the 1960's and there is plenty of room for minor conversions.
I will be casting these kits to order so if anyone would like one PM or email [email protected]
Price is £65.00 which includes worldwide shipping.
Sculpted for me by Moz is this 1/9th scale Royal Marine sniper. He is armed with the Lee Enfield Mk1(T) snipers rifle, originally sculpted by Steve Reedie. He wears a denison smock and commando battle dress trousers which had a specially tailored pocket for the Sykes Fairbairn knife. He carries a bergan haversack along with spotting scope and rifle scope cases.
Most of this equipment was used up to the 1960's and there is plenty of room for minor conversions.
I will be casting these kits to order so if anyone would like one PM or email [email protected]
Price is £65.00 which includes worldwide shipping.