Globaly I agree, except when you seem to have a very american way of thinking that the continent ( Europe I guess ) is communist .
Allas this seems to be a common mistake among the good peoples of USA; I heard that systematicaly when travelling in the states : ".. you in France/Belgium etc are communists ...." I heard that from all levels of your society, even in an University as Cornwell . The vast majority is not communist but like in your Bill of Right we accept the freedom of speech and of thinking even for the peoples thinking communists ( we had no Mc Carthy )
Everybody on "the continent" get full and near free medical attention, has the right to get a "fill the gap" salary when loosing his job, the time he need to find a new one ( I had the chance to never need that ), have the right to a paid retirement calulate on basis of the number of years he worked for ( usualy minimum 40 years ). Is this communism ? I don't know . This was already discussed by the philosophers of the the beginning of the 18th century ( siècle des Lumières ), you know the ones you based your "Bill of Rights" on .