A big thankyou to svt on here for the information on the (shako) kiver.
You're welcome.
A little about the officer's scarf-belt: it is a mesh strip of white silk with silver thread, with three stripes of a mixture of black and orange silk threads. The tassels are silver, the fringe of the tassels is silver on the outside, the bundles of laces are colored inside (orange and black).
It may still be useful to you how the epaulettes of the officers of the grenadier regiments looked (but only the grenadier regiments, because the infantry and jaeger regiments, which had grenadier platoons in their compositions, had shoulder straps and epaulettes of their regiments, i.e. jaegers or infantry):
In the order of the War Minister No. 6 of February 3, 1811 (according to the Julian calendar), the grenadier regiments were withdrawn from the general infantry system of differences in the color of shoulder straps, instead of this, all grenadier regiments received red shoulder straps (officers epaulettes gold with a red field) and with capital italic letters, with a dot after the letters, the name of the regiment from a yellow cord (for officers, embroidery from gold threads). The letters were:
Лейб-Гренадерский (Life Grenadier) - Л.Г.
Санкт-Петербургский (St. Petersburgskiy) - С.П.
Графа Аракчева (of Count Arakcheyev) - Г.А.
Малороссийский (Malorussian) - М.Р.
Астраханский (Astrakhanskiy) - А.
Грузинский (Georgian) - Г.
Екатеринославский (Yekaterinoslavskiy) - Е.
Киевский (Kiyevskiy) - К.
Московский (Moskovskiy) - М.
Павловский (Pavlovskiy) - П.
Сибирский (Siberian) - С.
Таврический (Tavricheskiy) - Т.
Фанагорийский (Phanagorian) - Ф.
Херсонский (Khersonskiy) - Х.
As an example, the epaulette of a senior officer of the Moskovskiy Grenadier Regiment.