Simme said:
Thanks for the reply, I have used a combination of the Vallejo Medium Blue (963) and (965) Prussian Blue but it came out too dark.
Don't be afraid to add in white if a colour is too dark. It might not work, but you don't know until you try; often white plus just a little of something else is just the ticket.
Here's something you might try: start with a simple mix of white and Prussian Blue until you get to around the right value for the midtone. Once you have that, if it doesn't look quite right to you see if you can spot what's wrong with it. Too dull? Too blueish (which probably will mean too vivid)? Not the 'right blue'?
If it's too dull then adding in a little more of a lighter blue like Medium Blue might be the way to go.
If it's too vivid then either use a little added grey or mix in a little of a reddish earth colour (possibly with a touch of white to compensate for the mix going darker). Be careful when you do this, it's very easy to go too far without realising it.
The last one might be an issue with hue (green-blue, blue, violet-blue etc.) which is also easy to compensate for generally. But I think you'll be in the right general vicinity with a tint of Prussian Blue.
This same general method can be used for mixing lots of colours - start with a simple mix, see what's wrong with it (if anything) and go from there. You'll generally want to keep the number of colours in any mix to four or less, including white if it's used.
Simme said:
The original painter is absolutly amazing and hopefull someday I can get to be as half as good as him.