WIP Sansa Stark. Nuts Planet Bust


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Andrew Perren

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2015
Hi Folks

I declare in the light of the seven that I have started my latest GOT Bust. My version of the Nuts Planet, Queen of the North. Clearly meant to be Sansa Stark, it may not be the best likeness but its good enough for me.

Primed with Chaos Black and Tamiya White from a Rattle Can. All painting so far in acrylics.

I've made a fair bit of progress with the face but only base coated the hair.
Sorry for the crappy phone pics.



Andrew P.
Looks nice Andrew, but maybe the skin is a bit dark? (Might just be the photo's)
Sansas skin is quite pale. I'd also reduce the contrast a bit to make her look a bit more feminine. Painting female skin is difficult if you're used to outdoorsy soldier types. :)

(I've found on the few ladies which I've done that having very little contrast on the face itself makes it look softer and although it shouldn't work it seems to. Concentrate on the eyes and mouth and let everything else fall back slightly)

Hope you don't mind the suggestions and feel free to ignore completely, but you're making a cracking job of her so far anyway

Thanks All for the feedback and suggestions.

More work done on the face and hair. I reduced the contrasts a bit and attempted to lighten the whole skin tone a little. Difficult without making her look chalky. I re-did her eyes and I'm happier with them now and she now has eyebrows.


Not looking forward to that wolf pelt.


Andrew P.
So I'm steaming along with this one. The dress is all but done, and the decorations on the chest added. I used Scale 75 metallics Negro Gold for the embroidery and mixed the Silver with some colours for the jewels.


Anyone got any tips or advice on how to handle this wolf pelt?


Andrew P.
Hi Andrew,

I've had a good look at this bust, and I think I might be able to make a few constructive and positive comments to help you.

Firstly, I think Sansa's hair could do with more contrast. I'd add an extra layer of upper highlights and deepest shadows. I'd recommend you go very orange for the uppermost highlights and apply them sparingly, and equally sparingly apply a very dark brown (Burnt Umber) colour for the shadows.

The wolf pelt needs a few additional colours to help break up the uniformity of the white on black colour scheme. I'd try some browns and even greens in the mid colour range and then blend them together. As a final step I would go over the entire left with a very fine brush and apply very thin lines to represent the single hairs in the pelt, contrasting white hairs over dark backgrounds and dark hairs over lighter colours.

I hope that helps you mate.
Ok, so I have reworked the wolf pelt and thanks to Tony's advice I'm much happier with it now. I added quite a few tan/brown tones into the mix. I also did what I should have done in the first place and checked some google pics of grey wolves - it made the head and snout in particular much easier.

Also upped the contrasts on her hair and dress. Nearly done now. Geez the close ups using the phone can be brutal, it looks much better to me at a normal viewing distance.

Sansa9.jpg Sansa10.jpg Sansa11.jpg Sansa12.jpg

Thanks for looking.
Andrew P.
I'm enjoying this paint job Andrew, you followed T's advice and it got better and better with each update. The wolf pelt looks awesome, the browns you applied make it a lot more interesting. Looking forward to the finished bust !