Say "Hello" to my little friend from China!


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A Fixture
Feb 3, 2004

This guy has a store on eBay and sells illegal castings of Alpine
and others. He's smart enough to put his picture on eBay.
Please say "Hello" to him for me.:) Thanks!

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Hi Taesung Thanks for the photo
at least we see in face who for a poor gain
destroys it slowly the way of the Storic Miniature .

:mad: MAB
I' ve seen him before!
Yesterday I also saw a little yellow man with black hair and glasses in Antwerp. Actually there 're several of them. All little with black hair and glasses. Are they copying themself as well?
Thank you, Gents
This individual pulled the item off eBay and gave me some sorry excuses.

Some of you who read my original post emailed me with concerns that
it had a tone of attacking and stereotyping China. If this was the case,
I openly apologyse to everyone who were offended. To be honest, I had no
intention of being poilitically correct to such individuals. My post was
about the guy, and not about China. He just happens to live there.
"Sensitive" isn't exactly my middle name... :(
Grrrrrr. I feel for you dude.

Given I grew up in China I think I can bash them for you if you like, without any worries of political incorrectness... pack of rip-off artists the lot of them! :D

All we can hope for is that the Chinese government will start to take action on this kind of thing. Not that I'd hold my breath or anything.
