Review Scottish Piper from DG Artwork


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi folks

My pleasure to be able to share a release from DG ARTWORK and a bust as well .

The release was announced here by the company as a unpainted version;

rein pic.jpg

And the artwork was shared here:

box art.jpg

As with most companies its been a while with the current situation affecting all so it was good to see the release , details are

Title: Scottish Piper , Blackwatch

Reference : DG09B008

Scale: 1/9th

Material : Resin

Pieces : 16

Casting : In House

Sculptor: Dae Hyeong, Kim

Box-art: Dae Hyeong, Kim

As you can see in the title it states Black Watch , after the rehuffle and amalgamations in 2006 the regt became the 3rd Bn Royal Regt of Scotland full details of RRS here:

1 SCOTS, The Royal Scots Borderers, 1st Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland
2 SCOTS, The Royal Highland Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland is a light role infantry Battalion
3 SCOTS, The Black Watch, 3rd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland
4 SCOTS, The Highlanders, 4th Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland are a mechanised infantry Battalion
5 SCOTS, Balaklava Company, 5th Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland is a rifle company of The Royal Regiment of Scotland
6 SCOTS, 52nd Lowland, 6th Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland
7 SCOTS, 51st Highland, 7th Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland

Update (from UK Defence Journal) One of the revelations in the recently published MoD document ‘Future Soldier’ that has received relatively little publicity has been the demise of the 1st Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland, The Royal Scots Borderers, known as 1 SCOTS in army parlance.
On December 1st this year (2021) they became the 1st Battalion, The Rangers (1 RANGERS), part of the new four battalion Ranger Regiment.

Although this is a modern subject this has in my opinion much conversion potential to other units and periods with a bit of careful modelling

If I may use this from a PF member who served in the BW namely james (jakbwrhr) who commented on the following regarding the release


"It was / is rare to see a Pipe Major or piper from the Black Watch with a beard. However, I believe the current (or previous) pipe major from 3 Scots (the Black Watch) wears / wore one.

The Hackle in the feather bonnet is both too tall and too narrow for a modern era figure - an easy fix with some putty. The Hackle should stop inline with the top of the bonnet. (The size and shape of the hackle worn both in the feather bonnet and TOS has changed over time).

The Sphinx badge is also missing from the Bonnet too, (located on the left hand side, below the hackle).

There are two issues with the sporran (which has been cropped short) - the plate is the wrong shape and is too small and the tassels are too long (the leather 'cover' on them is also much too small).

The green for the jacket is much too light. (The colourised photo is not at all representative of the colours of the actual uniforms).

However, there are alternatives to consider with regards to the jacket - a white jacket for the tropical uniform as worn during the handover to Hong Kong, the darker green or the almost black uniform as worn by the Black Watch of Canada (though you would have to sculpt the name badge onto the right upper arm!)

Thank you James

Some pictures for you

pipe badge.jpgchverons.jpgtart.jpg

3 scots.jpg
Black Watch Piper Major tst.jpg
Black Watch Piper 1 tst.jpg
Some reading material you might like to look at


As with previous releases , the resin is held safely in a good strong cardboard box , the resin pieces in 2 clear bags and sandwiched between 2 thick foam layers , on the top a colour picture of the artwork with 2 additional colour views and a unpainted version on the underneath , around the edges colour pics of previous bust releases


The artwork was done by DH , previous comments have been made about the lightness of the green , for me I do agree looking at the references but its still very much a fine paint

What resin do you get in the box: , 2 parts to the torso each with a arm, head , 2 hands, plume, bagpipe parts x 7 , 2 brooches and a base


I will comment on any prep in the look at the resin

Continued in next post

Forward to the resin....

Torso ...this consists of 2 separate pieces both have arms sculpted within , prep on the right side consists of simply removing small casting plugs on the lower arm and the uniform cuff , on the other side , excess plug on the top of the plaid and a careful sand off a casting line on the plaid , and also on the lower arm itself

You might wish to slightly sand down the inner nexk area as well

The right side has the most details on it , namely the crossbelt with silverwork buckles and badges etc ...these are all very sharply sculpted and cast up the edging is very cleanly done on the belts

Running from the left shoulder is part of the tartan plaid , with clean cast folds very regimental and accurate , the cuff has the same sharp details on it .

IMPORTANT NOTE: I suggest you fit the bagpipe bag in place and paint before putting the pieces together ...for ease

I am not 100% sure of what reference was used but I would have expected a SNCO sash also cast below the tartan and possibly some medals ....saying that they are well within the skills of most modellers to add

On the left shoulder a small part of the retaining brooch , button work on the doublet is well formed , the badges and belt buckles also showing the "42"

On the right arm the cuff is a really nice piece of casting s all credit for that , correctly sculpted and edging and piping well defined

Above the cuffs we have the 4 chevrons pointing upwards again well styled despite the also well done creases and folds at the elbow ...these continue with ease up the sleeve

On the upper arm the fine pipers badge , easily recognised and with a wreath around ...all not too raised but ideal for painting

Again my thought would be to add a small crown above the chverons as seen in many references

The rear of the piece is slightly patterned leading down to a spot on area to fit the base into ( more on that later )


The other half of the torso consists of the larger section of plaid , really good folds throughout, there is a locating hole for the brooch


Continued in next post

Onto the remainder of the resin


Wearing the famous bonnet , pre will consist of removing a small amount of excess on the hanging part and under the neck and then fit into place if you wish before painting

The textures are really well worked , the surfaces blowing around a bit , adding nice movement to the area

The dicing around the lower edge is good but as highlighted the rosette is missing the sphinx , I believe there should be 2 hanging tails at the rear as well ....easy to add

The plume area is cast to take it in position

The face is a nice piece of work the left side cheek more fuller with the exertion of the piping , features are sharp and cleanly done , the mouth open slightly on the left to take the pipe he blows into
Facial hair in the form of a nicely trimmed beard and moustache ( worn by 3 Scots PM )

Fitting is simple and easy , I suggest you pin as well



The plume is too thin and tall in my opinion but again easy to sort with putty etc, but it does have really nice texture

The brooches , can be chosen which you fit into place , one has the badge with St Andrew on it , the other with stones in place in a pattern ...both will look good its your choice


7424a-324x324.jpgimages (1).jpg


Finely sculpted in the playing position , long spindly fingers which need a tiny careful sanding and removing excess resin at the wrist edge where they fit nicely into the cuffs


The Bagpipes

Prep consists of ...planning the build , this might help you​


All pipes have a small excess resin and some flashing to remove ...easy to do , using the box pictures and taking your time the pipes will paly game and come together well , there are 2 hanging tails to add to the run of tartan ( the surface is plain to aid the painting )

The actual pipes are good versions of those in use, nice details on the hanging tassels and the cords

The bag is full of wind and some might say not in tartan thankfully !!!...LOL

Prep consist of removing a post and excess resin on the underside .......good fitment points for the pipes , again I say think carefully about your build on this ...take your time and get the right result... there is fitment post provided as well



Prep is just a quick sand and pin into place ...there is a lot of thought gone into this and consists of a nicely sculpted sporran on the front , adds a nice touch of interest to the piece and the base , of course you do not have to use it replacing it with a post of your choice for example a brass rod .


Final Thoughts

For me this is a piece that is very welcome and also has much conversion potential , really good details, well sculpted and well cast with great presentation , a few things which have been commented on , nice to see a modern subject option as well , painting will be enjoyable for sure

A good addition to the DG Artwork range


For more information why not visit the website at
email : [email protected]

They are also on FB as well

or PM them via PF

Thanks to DG Artwork for the review item and thanks to you all for looking in

Happy benchtime
