Hi Guys
Thought I would start an ongoing thread for my feeble attempts with putty pushing
As you folk know I have sculpted a few medals in my time but this was different and I blame Jimbo as Gd as a version of this pirate bust in his display .....
Found this on flea bay at a very low price ...based on a character in TV series ( black and white !!) ...it had a parrot with him that sat on his right shoulder ....it was broken ....
The parrot is dead !! ..shuffled off its mortal coils ......that parrot is no more ......LOL
The original tricorn was broken and very thin in places so .........I hit it with a hammer ........and YES ..it all came off cleanly from the head ..leaving a flat surface .......
Into the Dettol it went ....still a bit more to get off if possible though !
Out came the putties , and using milliput I did a basic shape for the crown....once dry sanded and the folled out some magi sculpt for the brim of what was going to be a tricorne....never went for it !!
Patience was the keyword waiting for putty to go off sufficient to shape ...... I also skimmed the milliput with a thin layer ....
A day elapsed ...checking the brim position .....all dried and then sanded to final shape ...I turn added a band with the buckle this nicely hid the slight gap !
Cue the iffy pics ....
Also added the ear ring as well !!
SWMBO says the parrot is required...might put it on the base !
Thought I would start an ongoing thread for my feeble attempts with putty pushing
As you folk know I have sculpted a few medals in my time but this was different and I blame Jimbo as Gd as a version of this pirate bust in his display .....
Found this on flea bay at a very low price ...based on a character in TV series ( black and white !!) ...it had a parrot with him that sat on his right shoulder ....it was broken ....
The parrot is dead !! ..shuffled off its mortal coils ......that parrot is no more ......LOL
The original tricorn was broken and very thin in places so .........I hit it with a hammer ........and YES ..it all came off cleanly from the head ..leaving a flat surface .......
Into the Dettol it went ....still a bit more to get off if possible though !
Out came the putties , and using milliput I did a basic shape for the crown....once dry sanded and the folled out some magi sculpt for the brim of what was going to be a tricorne....never went for it !!
Patience was the keyword waiting for putty to go off sufficient to shape ...... I also skimmed the milliput with a thin layer ....
A day elapsed ...checking the brim position .....all dried and then sanded to final shape ...I turn added a band with the buckle this nicely hid the slight gap !
Cue the iffy pics ....
Also added the ear ring as well !!
SWMBO says the parrot is required...might put it on the base !