Seil Miniatures


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Polish Winged Hussar
No information yet as to painter and sculpter.
54mm white metal
sculpted by Sergey Zlobov
painted by Kim Man Jin

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Santa Maria, this is nonsense! -
Background - this is a direct copy of the Osprey Cover for Brzezinski Polish Armies vol.1 - and the mistakes have been singled out and pointed by the greatest living authority on the winged hussars - prof. Zygulski Jr.
Conclusion -This is not A Polish Winged Hussar!
This is but the Osprey author's most cardinal mistake!
The lance is wrong (too short and held in the 19th century uhlan fashion), the helmet is completely wrong -this is English Civil War era helmet, and so called estoc or tuck or koncerz is hung in a wrong way, must be hung underneath the knee etc.
Too bad that these mistakes have been made on such a fine subjec and by such a fine sculptort :(