Seneca Scout - kit review


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
La Meridiana Miniatures
Seneca Scout
54mm white metal
10 casted parts
Sculpted by Eduard Perez Delago
Box art by Massimo Moro

Out of the many New Releases I post this figure really caught my eye. The pose, the attitude and head slightly turned made this figure stand out. The rifle up over the Scout’s shoulder took this figure out of the “static pose” category we all see so much and brought it to the forefront.


The kit came well packaged with the box art on the top. Foam slices separated and protected the parts during shipment. All parts arrived intact.


Upon inspection I was really pleased to see the detail Eduard put into sculpting the separate head roach and feathers which were a cleanly cast part.


The sculptor’s attention to detail shows with the knife slipped behind the belt and the pouch and powder horn cast separately and attaches to the right side. The blanket roll cleanly fits to the back of the chest with a triangular lug sculpted on the back for proper location and fittment. The left arm holding the war club attaches right at the arm band and also has a triangular lug for proper fitment. The right arm also attaches at the arm band with a triangular lug to corresponding triangular hole.


The war club has exceptional detail with wood grain sculpted right into the wood.



The figure trunk is cast into 2 pieces to enable the painter to do more with the detail on the leggings and moccasins. The drapery of the shirt is clean and will provide the painter ample room for contrast in painting.


Continued with next post

Here you see the moccasins with the beadwork detail and the fringe detail around the shoe.


Here below you can see the detail sculpted into the trail bag and also the detail on the rifle.


Overall I found this figure to be of exceptional quality, both is sculpting and overall presentation. I would highly recommend it for any Native American painter / collector.

Hi Guy,

the figurine is nice, only the leggings are not correct. The leggings should have a small flap allon the side, were the leggings are sawn together. But this can be easy mad with rolled out Magic Sculp. Also the Moccasins looks more like Plains Indians. But generally it is a nice figurine.

Best regards from Germany

That looks like a really nice kit. The figure has a great look and I love the addition of a war club to his arsenal. The one item that could be different is the musket. Manufacturers always insist on giving ones that look like, or are French military muskets. It would be nice to see a correct Tulle or British trade musket every now and again. As for the leggings, I would not say they are wrong. Not all leggings had the side flaps. A 1760 Jonathan Carver drawing shows a Fox warrior wearing center seam leggings with the sewn seam serving as a decorative edge. The moccasins look to be copied from one of a small number of porcupine quilled moccasins in public collection. Pictured is a pair from the late 18th century.~Gary
I too bought this figure as soon as it was available and I would agree with about 80% of Guy's assesment of mine compared to his. One major difference with mine was that the packing was a joke. All of the parts had shifted to one corner of the box in a clump, nothing was damaged, but it was still disconcerting. Another thing is that the casting quality was a bit slipshod in that there are areas of the main trunk of the figure that have pitting, not something you'd expect on a fresh casting of a new release. The figure, overall is fantasic. And Gary, I too am amazed by how often this subject, and related ones, are depicted with the same type of firearm so often. I plan to replace mine, if I can find one or make one.
Ric ;)
Hi everyone,

here is my first post.

I also bought this nice mini, as soon as I saw it :)

I enjoyed painting it.
Here some samples of my painted version. Total Oil paint .


and closer.


I hope to see your painted version also.

Any comment is welcome. Thx a lot.

Jean Paul, You did a very very nice job. I love the facial tattoos. I also like the base you have the figure displayed on.~Gary
Beautiful work JP................You have done an exceptional job with this figure and its groundwork / base. I would love to see more of your work. I have saved your photos for reference for when I paint mine.
Thx a lot for your comments.
Makes me happy. I loved so much painting this mini, that I decided to buy another one and paint it differently. Exemple, green shirt with red free hands on it like flowers. And different war paint.

Here a link of some of my work. You know CMON web site :

And I really hope you 'll post your Scout painted soon :lol:

Thanks JP.............beautiful work with your Seneca. I have yet to start mine as other commission work has priority. I hope to get him cleaned up and primed in the next couple of weeks. What other Native American figures have you done? Would love to see more of your work.

Beautiful work JP..........I see we have painted many of the same subjects. I have many Indians in my gray army yet to be painted. So many little time.

What are you working on next?

I'm working on a Metal Model mini : Baron LeJeune. My first napoleonian mini.
I paint it for the Blagnac2005 show in December in south of france.
I also started to clean and assemble the Andrea Crazy horse. I'd like to do a good skin tone work.

Can I see your work? Do you have any link?
Are you an acrylic or oil paint?

I used to be an acrylic painter for years (wargaming years). But now I try oil paint. And the Senca scout is my second mini painted with oil.

I only paint for pleasure now, not anymore for gaming.
And I try to participate to lots of shows. I'm going to the St Vincent show in Italy next 3 weeks. And then to the Girona show in spain.......


Hello JP,
I emailed you a link to one of the galleries I have. I use tube oils for flesh and enamels for everything else.
Ciao Jean Paul,
really nice rendition of the Seneca scout, Fabrizio Ciotti (the man behind La Meridiana) likes it too, so we have just updated La Meridiana's web gallery with your pictures, hope you will appreciate it.

You can see the pictures of your work at the following url:

Fabrizio too will be at the St Vincent show with his stand.

If more people would like to see published his work about La Meridiana's figures, just drop me a line.

See you, Luca
Thx again to all your nice comments.
It's a good feeling to know that my work is appreciated by some peoples.

Calvin, I'm very happy and proud that you put my work in the meridiana web site.
And especially near pics of Cartacci. I love his work !!!!!

I'll be honnored to meet Fabrizio Ciotti at ST Vincent.
I really like the quality of his products.

Nagashino, it's cool if my work makes you want to purchase a Seneca too.
As I wrote already, the seneca is only my second attempt with oil paint.
I thought the most difficult would be the gloss problem that oil painter are confronted.
But, I use no acrylic colored undercoat. I paint with oil on the white primer.
