September 24, 2009


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Martin Antonenko

A Fixture
Jul 11, 2008
A New Kind Of War Weapon Is Used Against Demonstrators...

On September 24, 2009, the so-called "G 20 summit" takes place at Pittsburgh (USA state Ohio), a meeting of heads of state or government, as well as finance ministers and central bank heads of the 19 economically strongest states in the world, who consider themselves a kind consider unofficial "world government" - and be seen by many other people as illegal occupiers of this very power ...:

The "G 20" are:

USA, China, Japan, Germany, France, Brazil, Great Britain, Italy, Russia, Canada, India, Australia Mexico, South Korea, Indonesia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Argentina and South Africa.

In addition to these 19 states, there are also the President of the European Council (if the EU Presidency is not led by a G7 state at the time), the President of the European Central Bank, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, the Chairman of the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC), the President of the World Bank and the Chair of the Development Committee of the OECD.

And as at every G20 meeting, there are also mass demonstrations in Pittsburgh against this group, which has no democratic legitimacy whatsoever.

That could actually end the story - but the Pittsburgh Summit went down in history due to a special circumstance:

The US police are using a completely new weapon against the demonstrators for the first time!

It is the "LRAD" sonic weapon, actually a "bloodless" weapon of war that is used here for the first time against civilians.

The "Long Range Acoustic Device" (LRAD) is used by the US armed forces, with which painfully loud sounds can be emitted.

With the LRAD, acoustic signals in the range from 2100 to 3100 Hertz are emitted with a maximum sound pressure level of around 150 dB. Due to the high sound pressure, the tones can be heard over a distance of at least one kilometer. Announcements should be understandable up to 500 meters.

The high-pitched tone that can be used by the LRAD leads to a strong pain stimulus up to permanent hearing damage at close range - as in Pittsburgh 2009 ...:

When the development company "American Technology Corporation" presented a prototype by LRAD to US military personnel and members of Congress in 2003, a company spokesman also explicitly pointed out that the weapon could also be used to "drive apart" demonstrators - which would also later become the buyers' group for US police authorities made.

Various private companies also procured LRAD devices.

Police forces in other countries are now also equipped with LRAD - here Romania ...:

During the first known "sharp" mission, LRAD was used on November 5, 2005 by the crew of the civil US cruise ship "Seabourn Spirit" (now in service under the name "Star Breeze") off the Somali coast to fend off a pirate attack ...:

The ship was attacked by two small boats with about 12 pirates on board. They were armed with AK-47 automatic rifles and Soviet-style RPG-7 bazookas. A projectile hit the ship, with one seaman being slightly injured ...:

After the LRAD fire ...

... turned the pirates away.

Military use of this weapon, also known as the "sonic cannon", is kept secret, but is likely to be.

The US police last used LRAD (according to published sources) in 2013 in the small US town of Ferguson after the shooting of the black youth Michael Brown by white police officers caused riots.

There is now a portable version of LRAD that is used by US Hostage Rescue Teams (SWAT) and the military! Bunker walls made of steel or concrete offer no protection against the sonic!

Nothing is currently known about arming the German police with such weapons. However, it is now being discussed intensively at the technical level - and some practitioners also demand it.

After the events of the most recent G20 summit in Hamburg 2017...

... this discussion has intensified.

In contrast, many lawyers consider the introduction of sound weapons by the police to be extremely problematic:

Since they are used "invisibly", so to speak, it is practically impossible for those affected to prove consequential damage after use (possibly not even the use itself!).

In Germany, however, there are devices that work in a similar way, albeit much smaller and less dangerous, the so-called "microwave weapons" (EMC).

These sound devices, produced in Great Britain under the name "Mosquito", emit a very high-frequency sound that can only be heard by young people (but inaudible to adults' ears!) And causes a strong, rather subconscious feeling of discomfort ...:

Their purchase by private individuals is not punishable in Germany, but its use is - which is of course nonsense, like so many other German "both and laws" ...

In at least one known case, a property owner used an EMC device to "disperse" an outdoor youth club nearby that was causing him to feel disturbed.

A case of bodily harm was initiated against the property owner and his EMC weapon was confiscated.

The Bundeswehr currently has no sound weapons, but will probably have them in the near future!

In any case, the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT (Ettlingen) developed a prototype on behalf of the German Armed Forces, which basically represents a greatly improved LRAD variant ...:

There is the other version, which is ultra low frequency, and has been used against demos, I think in the 'States. I gather it causes involuntary bowel movements in the target (and who knows what else). Demonstrating is not so attractive when you have cacked your pants :eek:
Our latest "protests" here involve people running out into traffic on the M25 at rush hour and superglueing themselves to the carriageway. The world's gone mad I tell you.....:woot:
