Hello everyone! After destroying a table lamp, finally after almost two weeks I can resume my third painting appear ...
Here are pictures of you, made very quickly last night.
What do you think? Obviously, any advice is always welcome.
Hello everyone! In those days I had little time for painting ... but I tried to go ahead with the 'hoplite nonetheless.
As you can see from the attached photo, I'm calling completed the bronze and the flesh .... What do you think? How are you coming?
Thank you all for any replies
Hello everyone! I completed the incarnate and I'm starting with the rest ... As you can see from the photos I just past the base color. I look forward to your criticism and suggestions
hello all! Finally I managed to complete my first thumbnail, I'll leave the photosattached and also links to cool mini or not. Where if you like, you can vote and comment there too! http://www.coolminiornot.com/299049?browseid=560070
Thanks in advance for any comments and criticisms . Salvatore