A Fixture
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Here are some photos of a first couple of 1:9 scale busts from Siskin Miniatures. These kits are cast in smooth light limegreen resin with no air bubbles or any obvious seam lines.
First one is a 2 piece Soviet WWII NKVD officer (a nice change from the usual Germanic subjects from that period).
Second one is a more complex Norman Knight. It has a fair ammount of nice detail and a great large section of a kite shield attached to the back.
The sculptor and proprietor Piotr Czyz (PF member) assures me that there are a few more in different stages of production
If you are interested in these you can contact Siskin Miniatures directly at [email protected]</div>[/doHTML]
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Here are some photos of a first couple of 1:9 scale busts from Siskin Miniatures. These kits are cast in smooth light limegreen resin with no air bubbles or any obvious seam lines.
First one is a 2 piece Soviet WWII NKVD officer (a nice change from the usual Germanic subjects from that period).
Second one is a more complex Norman Knight. It has a fair ammount of nice detail and a great large section of a kite shield attached to the back.
The sculptor and proprietor Piotr Czyz (PF member) assures me that there are a few more in different stages of production
If you are interested in these you can contact Siskin Miniatures directly at [email protected]</div>[/doHTML]