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A Fixture
Oct 8, 2014
Hi All.

A few months back I posted here for info about modelling Mags directed at the figure painter as I was fed up with Military Modelling and its tanks, lorries, and tanks.

Well I declined to renew my subscription with MM, and moved on to other publications. Today I received my last copy of MMM. Shock horror It was full of articles on figure painting Three busts and two figures. Plus the normal 1 page review.

Is this a sign of things to come or just a one off. ????????????

Mick 3272
Hi Mark,
1, The Duke of Wellington CGS painted by Malcolm Cuming.
2, Bonaparte , Alexandros, painted by Adrian Hopwood,
3 French Dragoon CGS painted by Alex Long

4 Officer 71st in 75mm Pegaso painted by Adrian Hopwood
5,Lieutenant Lacroix 54mm Le Cimier painted by Ian Succamore.

Mick 3272
Good to see some of my favourite painters coming out of the traps again(y)

The magazine will of course be dependent on contributions so maybe they have had enough to put a more interesting (for us figure modellers) edition together.

Thanks Mick giving the heads up on this I had even given up looking for the magazine on the news stand.

Think it might be a one off to celebrate the anniversary of Waterloo......hence the Napoleonic subjects! Might be worth picking it up anyway!


Hi Guys

Hopefully it won't be a one off. I was approached by the Editor a while back, and he said he was keen to print more figure articles, and asked me to start writing again.
He was also keen to get more figure painters on board, so its great to see Alex Long on the team, can't wait to read his article.
Haven't received my copy yet, but looking forward to thumbing through it.

If any of you guys fancy writing an article, then go for it, the more the merrier. Lets face it there 's a host of talent on this forum
The more figure articles the better, and we just might take it back from the tankies. (Snigger, Snigger):LOL:

Hi Malc
Hopefully your right, It will take some shifting to move those tankies.
Would love to be able to paint busts but my face painting ability is something out of blue peter no matter who's prefered step by step instructions I follow.
But five great pieces.
Hi Mick

You're right the tankies will take some shifting, but we're going to give it our best shot.
I for one would love to see the return of the figure special.

The trouble with giving it our best shot is that the Tankies have got bigger guns than us, but if we don't push ourselves , no one is going to bother to notice us. So let battle commence(y)(y)

Oh! I don't know though. Stranger things have happened.:D

army_squirrel.jpg Squirrel V's Tank ?? :whistle:

Ps, the tank lost.;)


Now we're arming our squirrels, how can we lose :woot: ??????? I've got squirrels at the bottom of the garden and they do a ferocious line in swearing at each other:nailbiting:. Give them pointy things and I can see the tankies lining up to surrender:LOL:
Up the rebels and full speed ahead, Gary.
Maybe we could train the squirrels to become little Ninja Squirrels and send them on sabotage missions and nick all the parts in the tankies box and leave an acorn as a calling card.
I saw on the news this morning thery are training mice as bomb detectors, so it can be done.
