somebody nicked it


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Glad to see somebody mention this. I was beginning to think it was the "elephant in the room" syndrome :) .

When I tried to get in again eariler today I saw a message from someone (Gordy?) saying they were fed up with all the complaints about the new look and feel of the site so they was changing it back to the old way. Whoever it was, they seemed pretty mad (if you saw the unedited version of that message, you'll know what I mean).

That's all I know on this matter.
Anyone else have more info?

Craig, Well given some of the postings that were recieved I think I'd be a bit ticked too. There's nothing wrong with pointing out bugs or glitches, but when some feel thay need to start whinning then it just complicates the matter. Anyway at least the planet is still here. A bigger pat on the back cannot be given to the staff at PF. I feel bad that all their work to make improvements to the site have come full curcle back to the old.~Gary
I agree Gary, some of the comments were uncalled for and frankly ill-advised to say the least. I for one am grateful for the efforts of the staff here on the planet, and am pissed that we didn't let the new board get established...I mean, when we logged onto the planet for the first time it took some getting used to, so, what's the difference? :(

Pretty cheap shot by some IMHO :angry:

I am glad though that Gordy and his crew just didn't say "screw it, I'm done..." This is a great site...
As a help desk analyst, I deal with people every day, all day, that have forgotten their passwords, have not followed the posted instructions, and resist changes with all of their might. I've come to this conclusion-people don't like change.

Honestly, I didn't like the new format.I did not post on the board, nor did I go through the steps. Not because I didn't understand, only because I do this type of stuff every day at work, and it gets old after a few hundred times. I would have eventually found cause to go through the steps needed.

In spite of this I held my tongue(for once!). What I have come to understand, is that changes are not made for no reason, and that the end user rarely knows the why's and how's that the admin has to deal with. Every day, I listen to people whine and moan, and crticize what they don't know and understand, but, I won't pile on with them(for one, all the calls are recorded, and I don't want the boss to think I have a bad attitude). I have also talked with admins, who are forced to revamp this procedure, or that process all the time, due to issues that go from silly, to legitimate to totally out of my range of undestanding.

Admins are in high demand. Not many people would do this for free. Enjoy what you have, cuz, next time out, there could be a monetary fee, or there could be nothing.
Hi Gary,
I understand their getting ticked. I deal every day with people that can't or won't try anything new even if it will be an improvement. Just seems a shame that the nearly 3 weeks of work (that we know of, probably a lot more) have gone down the drain.
That said, I also think that most of the posts I saw weren't so much complaints as they were comments on the look, feel and functionality of the new site. I'm sure that there were some that I missed before they were edited or some private messages or emails that may have been a lot more critical. But most of what I was able to see look more like constructive criticism.
I'm just glad that they didn't just say to heck with all and shut it down.
My thanks again to all those involved with the running the site.
Hi all,

Well, I for one feel a little responsible for the whole mess. I wasn't very diplomatic in my comments about the new forum and as I mentionned already, for that I am sorry. I can certainly sympatise with anybody putting their energy into a project that is almost certainly doomed for lack of support. If anyone in the planet's admin is ticked off, then I feel I have my share of responsibility.

As some of you have mentionned already, I'm also glad the planet is still in orbit and all I hope for is ounce the dust has settled, we can get back to the friendly atmosphere that has always prevailed here, old or new forum.


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