Here's a selection of figures i'm getting rid of, as i'll never paint them and i'm willing to sell at reasonably cheap prices.There's a couple which have slight conversion work done on them i.e. Alexandros 75mm Vauban ,sculpted hair but can easily be changed to it's original state,Latorres Pirate bust ,changed headwear to a French Revolutionary and some will need stripping as i'd started painting them.
I won't list them but if anyone is interested just let me know which ones you like and i'll let you know the price.Any guys going to Darlington next month i can personnally deliver as it's a pain in the butt packaging them.
I won't list them but if anyone is interested just let me know which ones you like and i'll let you know the price.Any guys going to Darlington next month i can personnally deliver as it's a pain in the butt packaging them.