A Fixture
Standing Horse
Thunderbird Historical Miniatures
TB 54002
Sculpted by Pongastorn Kantaboon
Painted by Doug Cohen
[ Without blanket, cinch or bit ]
Thunderbird Historical Miniatures
TB 54002
Sculpted by Pongastorn Kantaboon
Painted by Doug Cohen
[ Without blanket, cinch or bit ]
Following Thunderbird's recent release of the Native American Trapper comes the horse by itself (without blanket, cinch or bit) to be used as an accessory item.
Packaged in just a zip-lock bag the kit is comprised of 5 resin parts that make up the horse.
Above we see both sides of the separate cast horse's head.
Above are both sides of each horse half. Fitment was good requiring very little filler for the joints.
Above is the horse's mane with the ears cast to the mane. Again fitment was good.