Starting anew using acrylic paint


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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
I 'm a beginner or sorts as I have painted figures many years ago using flat enamel paint (Testors, Humbrol etc.) in more of a toy soldier fashion. Now I would like to start anew using Vallejo and Andrea acrylic paints.

None of my local dealers stock this paint so I will have to mail order them and obviously, I want to get all the colors I will need to complete my first figure.

I was wondering what colors should I order first to get started?

Would it maybe be best to order a pre-packaged set?
Chuck, it would really depend on what figures you are going to paint, it's no good ordering German camo paints for a Union soldier 1863 for example. What have you got lined up for your first figure? That should get some useful replies. :) I would recommend the Andrea flesh set to get you going though.

I agree Roger that it would have helped to know the figure. :eek: LOL!

I have not yet decided on my first figure, but my main interest are parade dress uniforms of Britain and Imperial Germany from about the Crimean War (mid 19th century) up to WWI.

I thinking besides the normal flesh tones I will need scarlet, dark blue, white, black, sliver, gold, just to name a few.
I guess what I'm really looking for is recommendations of these shades from experienced painters as to what specific shade of say red may be best for a brighter looking red, use this shade _______ (fill in the balnk), but if your looking for a darker shade of red, this will be best ______.(fill in the blank). I hope this makes some sense.

I also looking for recommendations as to possible colors needed for mixing my shadow and highlight shades as I know it's not always adding white and black to my base color.

Regards, Chuck
I would choose a figure and then pick some brains as to what colours including shade and highlights you need.
For your area of interest have a look at the range of busts by Micheal Miiniatures if you haven't already. They could be right up your street. :)

Hi Chuck as said unless you want to buy a full set of paints I would buy for the figure and build up from there :)

I started with about 5 pots of Games Workshop Acrylics and now have about 80 colours from 3 manufacturers :)

Same here, and I probaly use about 15 of them on a regular basis.:(
Thanks guys for the helpful replies.

In reference to my first figure then, what size would you recommend I start?

54mm?... larger?... or a bust? or does it really matter?

The different scales all have their own short comings. Stating the obvious, smaller the scale, smaller the details. Larger scale, greater area to cover and blend. So I would say find something you really like and have a go, regardless. Don't suffer in silence, as everyone will do their utmost to help.