suggestions needed: little of the beaten path


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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2004
Vancouver, Canada
I am painting a large scale female vampire would like to paint the flesh tone very pale almost white, undead but with a bit of life, if you know what I mean. Any oil colour mixes i could use that allows me to do this?
Jim, you took the words right out of my mouth, if your mother-in-law can't make it, let me know and I will send mine in all her glory :lol: :lol:

I'm sure Joe Hudson has some. He did the box art for one not too long ago. It's located here. I'm not sure but I think he used an airbrush for some parts. Joe would be the better person to answer that though. Hope this helps.

Jim Patrick
Probably the best way of doing this easily is to start with a mixed grey and then add small amounts of the normal fleshtone colours.

Since you're working in oils you have the opportunity to actually work over a completely monochome underpainting quite easily so you could consider doing a grisaille from white, black and a little umber and then glazing over the top of it.

I've done a few vamps in the style I think you mean.

I started out with my basic flesh and added white until it was a very pale flesh. Use this for your base. Then add more white for the highs - you may end up with almost a pure white at the top, but try to tone that down just a bit. For the lows, I mixed in a gray until I got the value I liked, then tinted it slightly with prussian blue. You can achieve a nice effect by adding (as an undercoat) veins and blotches with a touch of prussian blue and then cover iwth a thin coat of your flesh.

If you want some other ideas, try some of the garage kit sites and get ahold of AMiazing Figure Modeler magazine.

Good Luck.