Oh ma'Gosh. . . this presentation is just loaded with
eye appeal. And the photographs are quite good as well.
From looking at your pictures, it is hard for me to believe
this is the first time you've painted a 54mm horse. There is
so much to get excited about here. And I realize I do not
post here a great deal in the last year, but I will take a
chance and mention "Colour Harmony" once again. This
lovely artistic work is loaded with colour harmony. Not
only in the rider and his "equipment" but with the leather
bindings (not the correct word) on the horse and the terrain.
And yes, the terrain and ground cover as well as the shade/tone
of the wooden base. You are to be congratulated, Sir. Equestrian
figures are not easy to pull off, to bring to this degree of skill.
Well done, and thank for sharing with the Planeteers!
The Miami Jayhawk