Review "Tambour de Los Tercios" -Drummer Boy Bust from Adalid


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to all on PF ,

Following on from Eduardo's post about this release its my pleasure to be able to review this for you Adalid and for all members

Here is the link to his post :

This is the first in a series of 3 busts based on the fabulous painting by the Spanish Artist AUGUSTO FERRER-DALMAU depicting a young drummer boy in amongst a Tercio standing shoulder to shoulder in the 30 years war at the battle of "Rocroi"

As always lets have a little bit of history about this period :

The battle was fought on 19th May 1643 between the Spanish army of about 27,000 men which advanced from Flanders, through the Ardennes, and into northern France to relieve French pressure on the Franche-Comte and Catalonia. The Spanish troops set siege to Rocroi, which lay aon the route to the Oise valley . The French, under the command of 21-year-old Louis, Duke d'Enghien, reacted quickly and forced a battle before the arrival of 6,000 Spanish reinforcements. The Spanish failed to block the route to Rocroi, which passed through a defile bordered by woods and marsh. Enghien advanced through the defile and assembled his force along a ridge looking down on the besieged town of Rocroi. The Spanish quickly formed up between the town and the ridge. The French army, some 23,000 strong, was arranged with two lines of infantry in the centre, squadrons of cavalry on each wing and with a thin line of artillery at the front. The Spanish army was similarly arranged, but with its infantry in their traditional tercois, or squares. The two armies then satayed in their positions for the night.
The battle began after dawn. The French army attacked, but the French infantry in the centre were bested by the Spanish. The cavalry on the French left, advancing against Enghien's orders, was also thrown back. But the cavalry on the French right, under the command of Jean de Gassion, routed the Spanish cavalry opposite. Enghien was able to follow this up by attacking the exposed left flank of the Spanish infantry. Spanish cavalry made a successful counter-attack to drive off the French cavalry, but were checked by the advance of the French reserve.
Enghien now carried out a huge cavalry encirclement, sweeping behind the Spanish army and smashing his way through to attack the rear of the Spanish cavalry that was still in combat with his reserves. The Spanish horse was put to flight, leaving the Spanish infantry to carry on the fight. The French were twice repulsed by the stubborn Spanish squares, so Enghien arranged for his artillery and captured Spanish guns to blast them apart.
The German and Walloon tercios fled from the battlefield, while the Spanish remained on the field with their commander, repulsing four cavalry charges by the French and never breaking formation, despite repeated heavy artillery bombardment. Young Enghien, the French commander, then offered surrender conditions just like those obtained by a besieged garrison into a fortress. Having agreed to those terms, the remains of the two tercios left the field with deployed flags and weapons.
Total Spanish losses were about 15,000 dead, wounded, or captured. French losses were about 4,000.

Here is a You tube link to a great video (just use you search engine for Rocroi if this does not work!!!!)

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Lets look at the model itself now :

Title: Tercois Drummer Boy 30 Years War -"Tambour de los Tercois"

Reference: No reference (not relly needed to be honest)

Scale: 1/7th

No of Pieces: 12

Material: Resin (x 5) and White metal (x 7)

Sculptor: Pablo Ronda

Concept/Box Art: Eduardo Sanchez

The model was received quickly and well packed in a large blister pack , consisting of the torso , drum , the hat and arms all in resin together with the hanging sleeves, the hands and the sword , these are all cast in white metal . All parts were in separate bags to avoid being lost .

On the review no box art was included but should be availabale on future pieces , if not there are great pictures on the website anyway .

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Moving on now to the main piece the torso:

This is cast in a nice cream resin consisting of the upper torso with the head included , on the review model there was a casting line to remove from the front of the body , but this and the casting plug on the base are easily removed by the use of wet and dry and snips and should present no problem to anyone , the head has a plug on it which fits into a corresponding area in the hat .

As this is a young boy barely out of his teenage years the body is small in stature , with the belts being sculpted and cast onto the torso , undercutting is good and not over defined , there is good detail of the buckle nad the ties at his neck , the large collar hangs very effectively on his shoulders , he has long hair which is straggly and very well done with good defintion , this leads us to the neck and the facial features......

The facial featurs are IMO well worth a separate paragraph ..they have been done wonderfully and even without painting you can see the young features in the sculpt , he has a look of determination and pride about him as well as fear at what he is facing on the battle field ...all rosy cheeked innocence and not yet shaving !!!

My congratulations go to the sculptor and the caster ..a first class job .

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Looking now at the arms (these come in a separate bag together with the hat)

Cast as is the torso in a cream resin , with the material folds and creases being very well done , both are natural and look correct in all areas particularly at the elbow where the arms bend .the area where the hands fit in are well done as well this means that when they are in place the material looks correct around the wrist . I would suggest pinning the arms to the torso , after first carefully checking where the hanging sleeves go (perhaps a small diagram might be included but it is easily referenced)

Prep is minimal consisting of only a small casting plug to remove on both elbows ..again as before easily done .

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On now to the hat he wears :

Again cast in a cream resin , large as were hats of this period ,it is battered and well worn withthe side turned up slightly , underneathe there is a cut out which corresponds to the plug on the head , there are 3 small casting plugs to remove from the underneath ..easy with sanding blocks , fit onto the head is spot on with no filler needed on the review model .

The sculptor has achieved a good well worn look particularly around the crown area , some might want to add a hat band as well as a feather but for me I am more than happy as it is , and its true to the inspirational picture it has been taken from .

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Lets go the the white metal parts now , firstly the hanging sleeves:

Casting is clean with nice details on the folds , the material looks to be hanging as it should , I suggest that again you pins these to the arm area of the torso , fitting the sleeves first after a dry run to check the positioning , once in place they look really good ( again this is where a small drawing might help but a quick look at the painted model should help). There is absolutely no flashing to deal with , and fit is as I said really good after a little bit of fiddling (its called modelleing!!!)

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Next up are the hands :

Again cast in white metal both holding the drumsticks in preparation to sounding the commands from his Captain on the battlefield.

The pieces are sculpted with the cuffs of his shirt , these fit really nicely into the cuff area of the arms (again I would suggest pinning) . The finger defintion on both hands is excellent with the drumsticks being held firmly , there is a tiny amount of flashing to sand off on the drumstick ends..again a quick swipe over will be more than enough.

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On now to the final 3 white metal pieces :

2 of these are the sword and the other is (I think a belt end which links to the drum when in place)

As with the other white metal pieces sculpting is good with fine details , fit is no real problem , if you are unsure then have a look at the website

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Lets now look at the massive drum that he carries :

Cast in a cream resin , almost half the size of the boy who carrys it , the voice of the regiment , used to sound orderes fron the captains .

A chunky piece for sure which provides a focal pont for the model , contrasting nicely with the timidness of the facial features . A small amount of prep is needed to remove cast lines in the body of the drum and also on the top and bottom , careful work will be repaid in dividends , the cording and tensioners are very well done indeedangain true tothe picture its taken frm , careful painting will bring these great details out even further .

As I said this piece was inspire from the wonderful picture and Adalid have been so true to this even down to the damage on the lower edge and the body of the drum ..great stuff ...and hats off and applause to them for this (y)

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Now onto my final thoughts on this piece:
This is like the painting an inspirational piece , well sculpted and well presented , minimal prep needed ,perhaps some instructions could be included regarding fit of the pieces , but referencing is easy enough.

The piece will provide hours of enjoyment both in research and in painting and be a centrepiece of you display cabinet .

This is as I said the 1st of 3 based on the painting and what a trio this will make ....something to look out for and I have no doubt will be very popular and be seen both as individuals and as a set at shows when all are released the meantime enjoy this and I say a :

BIG THANKS to Adalid for releasing this

A wonderful subject for a bust

Available direct from them (cost 50 euro's plus shipping) via the website ( or contact them at [email protected]

Finally lets enjoy the pictures again of the primed and completed piece



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Hi Guys ,

A great starting point for referencing (full of information and brilliant illustrations) this period is the Osprey book :

Imperial Armies of the Thirty Years War (1) Infantry and Artillery

MAA 457

ISBN 978-1-84603-447-3

Written by Vladimir Brnardic and illustrted by Dark Pavlovic

(Part 2 covers the Cavalry)

