I am going to be building the templar knight in the holy land by pegaso is there anything tricky or difficult in the build or subsequent painting that I should be aware of?
I'm also doing my first mounted figure and started with a similar one.
I think you must pin everything on the horse. It is a heavy figure.
First paint the horse, then the gambeson and then the knight.
My figure is of some years ago, and i must say there is alot of cleaning and filling on the horse.
I looking forward to your finished figure.
Looks sweet (and heavy), so, as suggested in the "horse head" topic, you'll need to pin as much as you can. If possible, insert a heavy pin r a length of a metal screw in the back af the caparison, where it meets the ground.
I'm currently experimenting another way to pin the heavy pieces. Instead of using thick copper or steel rod, I tightly twist two paperclips together. This provides much more "teeth" for the epoxy glue to hold on to
[edit] I just noted that the weight of the model is indicated on the website... holy molly! that's almost 2 kilo! Talk of "Heavy Metal"