He called me 'half-blood', how dare he?! Said by him, he is half of a bullet, my desire for revenge is unrelenting. The time is right, the place too, I hope not to have to go looking for him, I'm sick of walking with those damned boots. Once I recover my honor, I will come back to town and i will bring the saloon into desolation, just like I did to the last diligence!
That loosened of Smokingclouds told me that if I don't kill him today, I will have to wait at least two more full moon! I do not think, where the hell is he?! I'll find him, even at the cost of losing my other arm!

Steelarm is casted in white metal and is in scale 1:32. The concept was done by Paolo Parente and the sculpture by Raul Garcia Latorre.
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