Testor's Dull Cote question.


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A Fixture
Oct 14, 2004
Hello all again,

As the title says i'm looking for Testor's dull cote in spray can but i can't find any online store selling it. Anyone has an idea where i can get it from? Thanks a lot in advance.

Even if you do find it, I honestly don't think it would do you any good. Just my opinion here. Testors switched their formula on this a while back and this didn't dry to a flat finish anymore. Had more of a sheen to it. I used to use it a lot (when I modeled armor ALL the time) and I notoced the change then. So did a lot of other modelers. You'd be best served by getting a dullcoat in a bottle then spraying it with an airbrush. I also found that Gunze Sanyo had, by far, the flattest dullcoat out there. Just my 2 cents ;) .

Jim Patrick
Hi Xenofon

Testors dull coat unfortunately cannot be shipped by air, but can be shipped over land

It seems that i need to get another alternative so i can give a solution to my problem. Maybe i should give Gunze Sanyo dullcoat a try. I certainly would like to paint the pants all over.
Jim is right when he says that Testors dullcoat out of the spraycan dries with a slight sheen. However, If you by it by the bottle and thin it about 30-40% with lacquer thinner it will dry DEAD flat out of your airbrush. I've been using this stuff on my figures, armor and anything else to do with dioramas. ;)
I'm trying to avoid the airbrush since i don't own one and since i rarely need it, i don't think it would be a good investment. I was trying to find something easier and cheaper. If i can't do that.. it seems that i will re-paint the thing.
Hi Xenofon,

Maybe I'm lucky, but I still use Testor Dullcoat without any problems. I make sure tha can is warm and shake it real well for 1-2 minutes, then spray in light and quick passes. Usually I have to go back and add a satin to other parts because it is too flat. You still might give it a try.

Brad Spelts
Hi Xenofon, do you have any local model shops that stock Tamiya paints? See if they have any Flat Base, you can use it to make a really good matt overcoat. Testor's ModerMaster range also has a good acrylic matt varnish that is very reliable from what I've read in the UK modelling mags.

You can apply either of these by brush, although it's better to airbrush for consistency on large surfaces of course.

I know an airbrush seems to be very expensive but they prove very useful in the long term for any modeller; they're one of those tools - once you have it you don't know how you lived without one! You can get a decent airbrush for very little these days (a cheap Aztek is only about 20-30 Euros, it's more than adequate for general spraying since it uses the same nozzles as the expensive ones) but the big problem is the air supply as any okay compressor is pretty pricey. I think the initial cost is well worth it for all the jobs only an airbrush can do, particularly if you work on any large-scale models.

I like the Model Master acrylic flat meself. Haven't tried the GS but will do so now.

Xenofon - I agree with Einion's comments on the AB. I am not much good with it but it really helps on groundwork and large areas. I still have my 25 year old Paasche H1. I have seen those on ebay for as little as $20 US.

Good luck.

Thanks a lot for the tips guys. I will try some of the ideas that you gave me here and hopefully the results will be good. As for the airbrush, i have absolutely no idea, what i should get since i never got bothered. I know that you need an air compressor and the airbrush itself. Then you need cleaners etc?