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New Member
Apr 26, 2014
I'm a long time modeler, off and on, and got into paining lead minis in college, then fell out of it. More recently I'm back into it. Have pounds of unpainted lead in 25mm, but more recently I'm getting interested in 75mm and 150mm figures. Right now I'm just looking to learn what the past 20 years have developed as best practices for doing lead minis. My skills are limited right now, but I'm reading and watching youtube vids to learn more. Videos are such a boon compareed to back in the day when the best you got were some color references.

Here are a few of my old-school minis painted in college.
Welcome aboard, Robert good to have you here.

There's plenty of good info amongst the many articles and step-by-step threads here on planet figure, I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for.
Welcome rja . If you are looking at 75mm + you will be spoilt for choice. A word of advice, keep your wallet closed until absolutely sure. LOL.


Robert, welcome aboard mate, i too have recently come back from a lengthy dry spell and I tell you the figure quality is incredible and there has never been more choices for paints and tools.

regards zane
Welcome Robert, come in and enjoy yourself! The world has moved on in the last 20 years, this is now a worldwide community of talented modelling enthusiasts, and whatever the skill level werw only too happy to share and engage. So don't be shy, GET STUCK IN!!!
Best wishes, Gary.
P.S. Something that was entirely new to me was Digital Modeling -it's great!:)