What an event! The show was much more than just another figure exhibit and competition. By every measure it was a huge success with almost 100 exhibitors displaying approximately 400 entries. Financially, the event also was an unqualified success with the figure auction alone bringing in $9,400.
Most importantly, Mike Stelzel had the vision several years ago to return the hobby to its historical roots by holding a show at Gettysburg that would be more than just another figure exhibit and competition. While many in the hobby said it couldn't be done, Mike's tenacity won out and with the help of hardworking volunteers who shared his enthusiasm, last weekend's event was hugely successful. As a result the hobby has advanced past the individual aspect of simply handing out awards for personal recognition.
The figure exhibit was excellent and the unique awards were many, but the real star of the show was not a Best in Show or the appointment of another Grand Master. Instead, those attending were treated to an up-close look at the battle flag of the 5th Alabama Batallion captured during Pickett's Charge near the Angle on July 3, 1863. Not yet under glass, the flag was displayed at the show and then taken to the location near where it was captured. To our knowledge this was the first time a Confederate color was returned to its actual site on the Gettysburg battlefield. APG then presented a check for $7,100 at the site to the State of Alabama curator for the full cost of its restoration.
See you at the next APG Show!
Most importantly, Mike Stelzel had the vision several years ago to return the hobby to its historical roots by holding a show at Gettysburg that would be more than just another figure exhibit and competition. While many in the hobby said it couldn't be done, Mike's tenacity won out and with the help of hardworking volunteers who shared his enthusiasm, last weekend's event was hugely successful. As a result the hobby has advanced past the individual aspect of simply handing out awards for personal recognition.
The figure exhibit was excellent and the unique awards were many, but the real star of the show was not a Best in Show or the appointment of another Grand Master. Instead, those attending were treated to an up-close look at the battle flag of the 5th Alabama Batallion captured during Pickett's Charge near the Angle on July 3, 1863. Not yet under glass, the flag was displayed at the show and then taken to the location near where it was captured. To our knowledge this was the first time a Confederate color was returned to its actual site on the Gettysburg battlefield. APG then presented a check for $7,100 at the site to the State of Alabama curator for the full cost of its restoration.
See you at the next APG Show!