The Armies and Wars of the Sun King 1643-1715. Volume 2: The Infantry of Louis XIV. René Chartrand, Helion & Company, Warwick, 2020. 245pp
This is the second of a planned four volumes covering the wars and armies of Louis XIV. Continuing on from the first, it relates the wars Louis engaged in between 1672 and 1684, followed by a detailed discussion of the French line infantry and foreign mercenary troops that fought in them. As with the initial volume it is lavishly illustrated, including 32 excellent colour plates of uniforms and regimental colours, and provides the reader with a wealth of information on the structure of the French infantry, its uniforms, weapons and equipment.
It begins by plunging into the war with the Netherlands, to which four chapter are devoted, followed by a chapter on an expedition in Sicily, and another concerning conflict with the Ottoman Empire. We then delve into the bulk of the book, commencing with the 'Business of War', primarily concerned with finances and the funding of war and the army. Then follow five chapters on the French line infantry and foreign mercenary troops under Louis's reign ranging across various subjects. These include, among others, organisation, regimental composition, battle drills, weapons, accoutrements, uniforms, colours, and music. The final chapter addresses 'Camping on Campaign' where we learn about the lavish accommodation provided for the Sun King, compared with the more humble lodgings of his officers and soldiers, and the rations available at the time. Four appendices round out this well researched work: Length Measures and Currency in France; a comprehensive list (43 pages) of the French line infantry regiments raised between 1643 and 1715, together with several illustrations of the colours carried by some of them; a long list (12 pages) highlighting the uniforms and facings worn by many of the regiments; and finally an appendix on the Dutch Army.
This is a well written, well organised and easily read book. Although the chapters on the wars provide a brief overview of the conflicts addressed in them, they provide the reader with a good introduction, without getting into too much detail, and thus are a primer for those wishing to delve deeper into these wars. The real value of the book is its discussion of the French line infantry, and here we are provided with a wealth of information that illuminates a rich source of material for war gamers, figure modellers and painters, or those simply interested in how the French line infantry operated under Louis XIV. As such it is an admirable reference work. The numerous illustrations are superb, primarily being contemporary sources, while the excellent colour plates combine contemporary and more recent paintings, including several by the acclaimed Lucien Rousselot.
Overall, this is a fine book that opens up a much neglected subject. It has great appeal for those interested in the workings, uniforms and colours of the French line infantry of the period, and to figure modellers and painters who may wish to investigate branching into this period of the hobby. Highly recommended.
This is the second of a planned four volumes covering the wars and armies of Louis XIV. Continuing on from the first, it relates the wars Louis engaged in between 1672 and 1684, followed by a detailed discussion of the French line infantry and foreign mercenary troops that fought in them. As with the initial volume it is lavishly illustrated, including 32 excellent colour plates of uniforms and regimental colours, and provides the reader with a wealth of information on the structure of the French infantry, its uniforms, weapons and equipment.
It begins by plunging into the war with the Netherlands, to which four chapter are devoted, followed by a chapter on an expedition in Sicily, and another concerning conflict with the Ottoman Empire. We then delve into the bulk of the book, commencing with the 'Business of War', primarily concerned with finances and the funding of war and the army. Then follow five chapters on the French line infantry and foreign mercenary troops under Louis's reign ranging across various subjects. These include, among others, organisation, regimental composition, battle drills, weapons, accoutrements, uniforms, colours, and music. The final chapter addresses 'Camping on Campaign' where we learn about the lavish accommodation provided for the Sun King, compared with the more humble lodgings of his officers and soldiers, and the rations available at the time. Four appendices round out this well researched work: Length Measures and Currency in France; a comprehensive list (43 pages) of the French line infantry regiments raised between 1643 and 1715, together with several illustrations of the colours carried by some of them; a long list (12 pages) highlighting the uniforms and facings worn by many of the regiments; and finally an appendix on the Dutch Army.
This is a well written, well organised and easily read book. Although the chapters on the wars provide a brief overview of the conflicts addressed in them, they provide the reader with a good introduction, without getting into too much detail, and thus are a primer for those wishing to delve deeper into these wars. The real value of the book is its discussion of the French line infantry, and here we are provided with a wealth of information that illuminates a rich source of material for war gamers, figure modellers and painters, or those simply interested in how the French line infantry operated under Louis XIV. As such it is an admirable reference work. The numerous illustrations are superb, primarily being contemporary sources, while the excellent colour plates combine contemporary and more recent paintings, including several by the acclaimed Lucien Rousselot.
Overall, this is a fine book that opens up a much neglected subject. It has great appeal for those interested in the workings, uniforms and colours of the French line infantry of the period, and to figure modellers and painters who may wish to investigate branching into this period of the hobby. Highly recommended.