The challenge of being new.


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Ian Pen

PlanetFigure Supporter
Apr 1, 2023
I enjoy being on this site. However, I made the mistake of judging my work by others who are better due to their experience and talent and better artists than me. Why did I write this for me mostly. I also wrote it for every person on this site who may at sometime have felt or feel like I did. This site is not judgemental and is very supportive. I used my impression of the site to judge myself.

The last two months have been difficult in terms of painting for me. I returned to the hobby after 30 years and painted some alright busts in oils. I have tried to paint two 90mm figures I had from years ago and two 75mm figures I bought as a practice. I followed my original plan of working in acrylics and oils, two mediums I have had little experience but researched widely.

The paint was too thick, and I kept making rooky mistakes and hated what they became. I was at a point yesterday where I was beginning to think I had invested money in the hobby, and I could not see myself continuing.

The two 75mm figures were plain, almost base-coated. I sat and thought about my modelling so far and used my own advice from my life skill coaching. I started to strip the two 90mm figures, as the paintwork could not to be saved. I got out some pots of Humbrol enamel that I have had for years and started to block out the 75mm figures in enamel. All my painting of figures from years ago were in enamel, and it was like saying ‘hello’ to an old friend. Going back to the basics inspired me and showed that I can achieve. Everything came back to me: the consistency of the paint, the brush strokes, techniques and most importantly, my confidence.

I do not think I will be as good as some of the painters on this site. However, I will not stop trying. I will enjoy my painting, the reason I returned. I am going to post photos of my work on the site soon.

I am in Merseyside from next week for two weeks. I am coming to see my family. If any oilers might have an hour or so to show me some tips in the area, I’d love to spend time with you. If not, onwards and upwards.

Thank you for reading this. I needed to vent my fustration to people who I hope would understand.
Hi Ian

Very well put .....PF is all about ENJOYING the hobby , no matter what the level , sharing projects etc etc and learning

Not sure where your based but have you a club nearby

It's great to have you on PF and all will try and help as much as possible

Do feel free to message me

Enjoy Merseyside

Hi Nap, I live in Ukraine, understanding would be my biggest problem. Apart from that, I have been unable to find any clubs in my region. It was an after thought, nice if it happened, but I will progress. Ian
Very heartfelt post Ian, one which pretty much everyone can empathise with from some aspect in their life.
Trying to learn Acrylic technique and Oil technique from scratch, at the same time is a huge ask, they are not only different, they are often contradictory.
If enamels are where you feel comfortable there is no reason not to persevere with them, they are a long recognised and well used medium and in no way an "inferior" way of painting.

As Nap said this hobby is about enjoying what you do, at whatever level you can do it. Find what works best for you and become better at doing that. Choose a specific area of the hobby to concentrate on at first, do busts if you like painting faces or 54mms if it is the overall appearance of a subject that appeals. Do WW2 and modern subjects if you like painting camo (or like me avoid them like the plague if you hate it), maybe 75mm Vignettes if you want each piece you do to tell a story. Don't try and cover figures from every era, in every genre, in every style, in every scale, in resin and metal.
Thanks Rob, it was very cathartic to write. I love enamels, they were how I grew up and I have no issue with them. I can see the benifit of oils and that is why I made the choice to use them. Acrylics just became part of the undercoating and other bits and pieces I struggled with oils in. I have also realised the the acrylics I used did not help and I have a plan, just not told the wife yet!

I am working on different things at the moment and agree with your point. I am just trying to find what my interest is now. However, like you camo is not a favourite of mine. Ian
Dear Ian, thank you for a very interesting and thought-provoking thread. You're right, you're in good company here, and you're right to consult us as we share your frustration!
Believe me, everybody has had the odd wobble, nobody more so than me. I've plenty of flops on the Shelf of Shame, don't you worry.

I've had a few triumphs, yes. Regardless - I'm awful at groundwork. And I haven't the bottle to paint a bust, or a 120mm figure either.

I can suffer a real downer when a figure doesn't go how I want it to.

I ask two things. Do I like the end result, and did I enjoy the process? Nothing else matters. If not, did I learn anything? Okay, that's three things...

I've seen champion painters in this hobby be really dissatisfied with their stuff; I've also seen more modest painters be over the moon with their stuff. It's the second bloke I envy.