" The Duelist "...Box art Dolman Miniatures


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I'm not getting the title. What makes him a dualist? Is it because he has two hats?

Don't get me wrong, I'm liking this one. I have as yet to do a bust from this period, and this one looks pretty cool (y)!

I'm not getting the title. What makes him a dualist? Is it because he has two hats?

Don't get me wrong, I'm liking this one. I have as yet to do a bust from this period, and this one looks pretty cool (y)!


I think the box art is meant to remind one of Keith Carradine's role as D'Hubert from that great Napoleonic film "The Duelists." That's why the grey of the 3me Hussards. Not a great portrait of Carradine but I don't think that was intended. Like the two heads joke though.
I think the box art is meant to remind one of Keith Carradine's role as D'Hubert from that great Napoleonic film "The Duelists." That's why the grey if the 3me Hussards. Not a great portrait of Carradine but I don't think that was intended. Like the two heads joke though.
Well thanks for giving me credit for a joke, but I was really confused as to the title :D! I vaguely recall the film now that you mention it. I reckon that the jacket could be done in other colors then, right?

Great great sculpt.
As was mentioned in a thread a while ago, buttons in 3s or 5s are according to regiment. Lozenge plate was only worn by certain regiments. There are others differences, so NO, not all 12 regiments can be depicted. I am surprised that one of the knowledge who chastised in the past has changed tact as I am sure he knows better,

The 3 (3er) regiment is more than Harvey Cartel and a film by Ridley Scot, what a narrow minded comment to put on a manufacturers thread because of uniform box art colour.
It's a lovely bust and I will be buying one, great piece Eduardo and a superb release, having been bit on the arse I have loads of info if you need anything.
Best wishes
Graham - I assume you are shooting at me. Choosing not to engage.
It's not a shoot Colin I only mentioned button rows in connection with yourself.
They are comments exactly the same as have been posted and supported before by others. As is often said it is a free forum. I am not supporting or justifying anything I am connected to only seeing a piece for what it is. It does amaze me how selective some are on accuracy though, have a pop at the manufacturer in one breath and then feed wrong information to others. This piece is superb
Duells can happen - sometimes about women, honor or buttons.....
some pics that might help about the background of the bust`s title and why there are two heads provided. Very nice work as was the CGS hussar.



and one last pic as a reminder how senseless duells can get...