The Eyes Have It (or don"t).


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Active Member
Mar 11, 2004
I'm starting my first bust, Latorre's Pirate, and was wondering a good color mix for painting the iris. Not everybody has blue eyes and was considering brown, hazel, whatever. I use oils. Can anybody suggest color mix to represent these shades.

My VL Red Lancer bust (my first bust :) ) was given iris color of raw umber. Relatively easy to put in pupil with mars black.

A softer brown could be mars brown.

Show us what you try.

Thanks Keith for your reply. Glad somebody took the time to answer. I thought I would get a few more suggestions. Guess I was wrong.

Ken Neil
Sorry for your lack of response. Many people do not use oils and therefore didn't respond. I use enamels and they come pre-mixed of course. Hope you get additional responses

Also, wanted to mention that Gunze Sangyo makes "eye color" acrylic pens. I bought the 'green" and "brown" but have not tried them on an actual figure.

The tips are fine point and should work on anything 120mm or bigger.

Take a look at some of Anders work. His eyes are the best I have seen even if they are in acrylic :)

At this point any suggestions would be appreciated oils, acrylics, enamals. Right now it doesn't matter. I am really stumped on this one. Hope I didn't sound to snide, it was certainly not intended. I figured that with all the unbelieveable work I've seen here, somebody more experienced with busts may be able to offer some suggestions. Please help !!!!

Ken Neil
The last several Bust I have painted have the dark brown Iris with a black pupil in the center. I then add a catch light dot of white to the eye. After drying I use future floor wax or 5 minute epoxy to gloss over the finished eye.
Guys recommendations are good.

Experiment a bit on your bench to see what color works for you.

Hazel seems like a tough one, which I've never painted before. Off the top of my head, I think a slightly brownish blue-green would do the trick. How about 2 parts cerulean blue + 1 part sap green + 1/2 part Vandyke brown (or just enough to give it a slight brownish tone). Lighten with Naples yellow to your liking. Again, this is just a thought off the top of my head.

I think the reason we see so many blue eyes on figures is because they tend to be more piercing in appearance. Hence, the viewer's attention would be drawn to the best part of any figure/bust - the face.
Everyone thanks for your suggestions. I guess its a matter of experimentation. Pete, you are right about the eyes. They are the first thing that people look at when viewing a figure. I just didn't want to paint the eyes too blue, afterall he is a Madagascar Pirate, not Erroyl Flynn of Tyrone Power. LOL