The Fatal Charge Irish Brigade Fredericksburg 75mm TFB Miniatures


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Steve headley

A Fixture
Sep 14, 2020
Hi all Terry here standing in for steve ( who I’m pleased to say is on the mend ).

TFB are pleased to announce the release of the Fatal charge. After numerous delays and unfortunate Illness in the TFB ranks at last the labour of love is ready.

We are looking at shipping the start of next week for all the pre orders. (Thank you for your understanding ) it’s a limited edition of 100 each kit has a certificate and unique number. The scale is 75mm we have no plans to do other scales.

We with to thank Greg Girault for his creative drive in bringing this to the table. And and our caster Juan Macone. Who has worked to get the best out of this kit. ( I know he’s happy it’s finally finished )

We are now getting back on track with other projects which have had their issues too. In the near future we will be doing a confederate vignette to balance both sides. We learned a lot with this so the next one will be a lot easier fingers crossed.

Thanks again for your support, happy modelling


TFB Miniatures Team
Scotty & Gary thank you both for the kind words. The movement is great in these figures and work so very captures well the moment in the charge and the bravery of the men that took part.

I was watching Gods & Generals the other day, and watched with interest the scene where the Irish Brigade charge towards the confederate line. The scene and the model look so alike it really brought what Greg has done to life. Looking forward to seeing the painted version of this.

Thank you guys again and I will pass on the message to Steve.


TFB Miniatures Team
Nice vignette and a highlight of your range thus far. The flags appear to have a slight relief to them, which gives those of us who are rubbish at painting freehand lines & symmetry (myself included) a chance of making a decent fist of it.

Have you got anyone doing a box art paint-up? (I'm not volunteering BTW, just asking!)

- Steve
Hi Terry

Firstly good to hear Steve’s on the mend , best wishes to him

Thanks for sharing the release ...a cracking grouping of figures , lovely detail and sculpting from Greg said great movement , you can almost feel the move forward

Would love to see the flags detail close ...certainly looks good in these pics

Painted up these will look excellent

A fine addition to the TFB range

Look forward to seeing more

Hi Steve & Nap and thank you for the posts.

Steve, the flags are indeed in relief which should make the painting that bit easier, the Irish Brigade flag will look great when painted. Both flags were the reason for the delay it was getting them cast. We did not want them too thick and odd looking. So after a lot of trial and error Both Juan and Greg got the right outcome.

Yes we have got someone in mind for it. But it’s going out without as we are so far behind we did not want to wait. I’m sure you would do a great job of it.its certainly a great colourful piece and as you say it’s a stand out kit in our collection.

Nap thanks for posting the art work, it really shows off what the flags look like and the action Greg wanted to capture.i will pass on your message to Steve.


TFB Miniatures Team
Good to see you fellas back again. Your absence was noticed.
This is a beautiful piece of work.
Representing an utter tragedy (lions led by donkeys once again).
Superb sculpting.
Hi David thank you, it’s been a bit of a torrid time it come with age lol. And the fact that this project was a big one for us and we wanted it right.

Yes the events that day were a tragedy, it was our intention to try an capture both The bravery of the Irish Brigade and the tragedy f the day. We think Greg captured the whole scene very well indeed.


TFB Miniatures Team
Hi len very nice print, our vignette does look like the scene but it was not based on the print. It was based on an idea by Greg then expanded on. Started with 3 figures then a forth was added. It worked out very well indeed.

We have a confederate vignette in the pipeline that will have 5 figures so keep an eye open for that one.


TFB Miniatures Team
Terry, terrific vignette, full of life, not my area but looking forward to seeing one or better yet several painted. Good to hear Steve's on the mend. Best regards to fellow Yorkshiremen, good to have you back.posting and releasing.

Cheers Simon
Thank you Simon we are looking forward to seeing them painted. I’m sure the customers who have bought them will enjoy the experience of painting them. It’s a big project and one that will take time to get the result you want.

Yes Yorkshire folk are a resilient bunch that’s for sure.


TFB Miniatures Team
Hi Barry thank you for your support, Steve will be back shortly. Have to say I’ve enjoyed posting I’m usually the quiet one in the Team but been a pleasant change.


TFB Miniatures Team
Fantastic! The movement of the figures is superb. As a southern gentleman, I have to say that the charge of the Irish Brigade at Fredericksburg was valiant and magnificent.
Major art, it sure was an inspiration for this vignette. Happy you like. What we have tried to portray.


TFB Miniatures Team