Jim Patrick
A Fixture
It's a 54mm Pegaso Chassures a Cheval de la Garde (54-160) and I usually enjoy painting figures but right around Dec. this figure did me in. He has lace inside of his lace! Well, after a nice break, I'm back at him again. I stiil need to finish hi sabretache (very colorful) before I can finally attach his pelisse. Once this is done, I'm back to painting his lace inside of lace. His dolman isn't the right shade of blue in my opinion (Thanks for the help Daniel) but being as it was already painted and fixing it would be a major project, I left it alone. The banner on his trumpet needs some darker blue around the eagle (and yes, the end of his trumpet is broken off!). Looking at the flesh tones, it seems like I need a little more highlights and some more reddish tone to it. What do the rest of you think? As far as the base, it's something I made by taking a Custom Dioramic kit (steps, wall sections and pillars, #CD 1131) and cut a section out of the ceramic steps. I think the pillar in the background might be a little too tall. I'm thinking of cutting it off just above the base and putting some type of vase or somehting there. Just something that doesn't stand quite so tall behind the figure. Tell me what you think. Leave it alone or cut it off? By the way, if you see a mistake in here that I didn't, tell me please so I can fix it before it gets too late. As far as the scarlet color goes, I'm not too happy with that at all. The color I used is:
Base- Andrea #46 Crimson (2 drops) and #33 Nap. Red (1 drop). You can see the base color on his chausse (the pennant coming out of his headgear). What should I use to highlight this color? I was using Vallejo #835 (Salmon rose) with a little #815 (Basic Skintone) for some highs. Violet is what I'm using to shade this. I think it's getting to "worn out" looking for this old cavalry trooper to be wearing after a parade or such.
In any case, send me your comments to help me out.
Thanks, Jim Patrick
Base- Andrea #46 Crimson (2 drops) and #33 Nap. Red (1 drop). You can see the base color on his chausse (the pennant coming out of his headgear). What should I use to highlight this color? I was using Vallejo #835 (Salmon rose) with a little #815 (Basic Skintone) for some highs. Violet is what I'm using to shade this. I think it's getting to "worn out" looking for this old cavalry trooper to be wearing after a parade or such.
In any case, send me your comments to help me out.
Thanks, Jim Patrick