Lets open the box
Details as follows:
Title: The Orc
Reference: MJ09-008
Scale: 1/9th
Material: Gray Resin
No of parts: 17
Sculpting: Choong Sik, Lee
Box Art: Anson Chen
The total height is 180mm including weapons , 100mm from lower edge of body to top of hair
As with all products I have received shipping was fast and efficient with the resin being in a cardboard box , the parts inside being split between 2 bubble wrap envelopes with the parts also being in plastic bags, again on the box top we have the artwork and rather stunning it is as well.

Parts consist of the Main Torso , a back piece , 2 shoulder pieces , various ( x 6) horns , teeth etc to use on torso and armour, 3 weapons ( 2 daggers , one sword , 1 spear and 2 other types, plus a base
As always minimal casting plugs to remove from resin , the teeth etc are on formers and need fitting , as does the shoulder pieces , the back part might benefit of a smidge of filler when in place , weapons are provided separate but I would suggest painting and then putting onto the bust.
We will look at the Torso , back piece and armour in this part , the remainder in the follow up post
Main Torso this is the larger of the pieces and consist of the full torso with head , beginning with the head ...boy is he an ugly fellow , a real Orc no doubt about that .
With protruding teeth with piercings on the lip and the ears , the ears are great , the whole face just shouts at you to paint it , really good sculpting all over , excellent undercuts , the neck has very dominant muscles as has the actual body , all of which will make the painting a joy.
The hair is pulled up into a very large pony tail sitting on top the head, tied together and flowing down the back of the head , nice work on the textures .

Wearing the latest in Orc fashion , mail is worn over an open and nicely surfaced shirt , we also have a fur cape the edges on the torso are full of fierce looking teeth , have to say the amount of work and undercuts here are amazing to admire , , the furs again is well done . There are also smaller teeth coming out at regular intervals of the shirt , with a teeth necklace being worn with 3 skulls of a foe perhaps , again really well done undercuts .
Moving down to the lower part there is a top part of a circular armour plate , nice bit of decoration on this , beneath are 2 lugs to locate the larger of the dagger first.
At the rear of the torso there are 2 holes ready to receive the back piece , the shoulder area's also have the appropriate cut outs for their pieces.
Back piece this is the rear of the fur cloak he wears again following on from the front textures are first class both in sculpting and casting . , he has a "quiver" which holds the 3 "spears" , the inside has a lining sculpted to depict fur , hanging over the top naturally , there are 3 sections for the pieces , the wrappings on the container are of particularnote again well done , natural in form , also on it is a well constructed cut out for the sword itself.

Shoulder pieces ... one for each side obviously!!! , his left has a tiered set of armour , lovely textured work again , there are 4 holes ready fro the 4 teeth that is provided. the one on his right is a massive skull , showing fearsome teeth , the surface work is again really good , the skull has all the surface lines the actual skull with there being the remnants of where 2 horns were on the live beast the whole thing is sitting on a similar set of armour as on the left side.

Continued in next post