Review Thracian Warrior from Corsar Rex Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi Folks ,

What better way to start the day than to share with you a release from a company that is already well known for figures, this time we have a bust.

The company I am refererring to is of course CORSAR REX MINIATURES , this is one of 4 that they have on their website and I shall be looking at another in a future review .

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CORSAR REX MINIATURESCorsar Rex Logo.png was founded in 2009. and now the company produces traditional scale miniatures - 1:48, 1:35, 1:16, 54mm, 75mm, 120mm and busts 200mm historical, WWII, cartoons, fantasy etc. using both resin and white metal.

As I like to do lets have a bit of a history about both the country and the military of this subject :

The Thracians were Indo European who occupied the area's between Northern Greece , South Russia and North West Turkey , all sharing the same language.
They were not city builders as such with most of the population living in large "villiages"in as many as 40 tribes . It is said that they could have been the most powerful if they stoped fighting each other !!! (Herodutus) .

The warriors were honoured by each other and were very ferocious and often used as mercenaries ...fighting not so much for the country as for the plunder they could get , they were blood thirst and it has been recorderd that they changed sides when bribed or just changing their minds to who they wanted to fight for.


Thracians loved to party often drinking to excess , their war songs were noted to be quite impressive by the Greeks who had a special name for it ...."titanismos"

Thracian Gold treasure has been found and is absolutely stunning ...enjoy :

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The Thracian is also well known in the gladiator schools of Rome with the most famous being ofcourse Spartacus ..the preferred weapon was a curved slashing sword approx 18" longer when in the arena ..they were feared as expected .


The bust I will be sharing is from the Ancient period and depicts a Infantryman from the country of Thrace depicting a true warrior ........who without doubt knows his business when on the battle field and also liked the spoils of war he could get ......truely ...not someone you would like to meet on the Saturday night out !!!!!

Many references are available , a good starting point is :

Osprey Series MAA 360 700BC-46AD (ISBN 18 4176 3292) osp.jpg

in addition there are wonderful museums that hold armour and artefacts of the Thracians

Continued in next post:

Now onto the actual model itself :

The details of our subject is as follows :

Title: Thracian Warrior (Infantryman) 4th Century BC

Scale: 200mm

Reference: CR -2013

Material used: Resin (Gray in colour)

No of pieces: 3

Sculpted by : Vorobiov Ruslan

Box Art by : Vorobiov Ruslan

The model was received quickly and efficiently well protected in the transit packing , the actual box being produced in a very striking yellow with blue details on the label ...very distinctive , a nice touch is a logo in high relief , on the front we havea painted version a a reference if you wish .
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The box is a strong insert in which sits the model wrapped in packing with the parts secured in plastic bgs (these consist of the main torso with head and the 3 helmet cheek pieces on a separate former and in a separae bag) .The outside wrapping slips safely over this inside box .................VERY NICE presentation indeed .(y)
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Lets start with the biggest piece of resin first and straight away I can say the casting is VERY GOOD INDEED with only minimal casting line to deal with at the back , the piece consists of the torso with the head wearing the distinctive helmet , he is clothed in a cloak , wears ragged clothes ...also cast into it is the base ...more later .

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Working down the piece starting with the helmet , this is a lovely piece of work , it is battered and dented with cuts , the back has been modified by our man as a result of battle experience reworked to protect the back of his neck .

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Under the helmet helmet 1.jpg he has the cap often seen in illustrations t.jpg , this is depicted well worn and torn ...this is something that must be crawling with dirt !!!!!

The face is something else and boy is he an ugly character , unshaven scars on his face and a beauty across his nose , hair hangs from under his helmet at the front ..., facial features are well done in particular the flesh texture and lines of someone who must be lucky to be alive I think .
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Neck area is well done with the lines of an older man nicely done .

His clothing has certainly seen better days , the undergrment is ragged and torn on every edge with really nice surface texture depicting the materials weave .
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Over this he wears a cloak again nicely worked , folds are natural and sits well , the edges are again well torn all of the wear on the clothing is well efined and a pleasure to see that a model has been depicted as a war weary soldier probably did look like ...WELL DONE Corsar Rex.

The base now , this has been well sculpted and thoufgt out depicting a knurled tree trunk and branches reaching up into the underneath . ...a really nice thing to see that thsi often forgotten area has been dealt with as much care as the model itself .
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Lets have a look at the cheek pieces now these are cast onto a former and secured into a separate bag ..nice touch , easily to remove and fit onto the helmet position ( assisting this is a lug on the inside which fits tightly into a cutout on the sides of the cap sides ..resulting in a very distinctive helmet .
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I would of course advise that you test fit these and then painting separately , allowing you to then paint the face/head area with ease (I have blu tacked the pieces for the pictures)

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Whats my conclusion on this piece:

This is a great piece of sculpting , full of character and inspirational details....lots of potential to go wild on that wonderful beaten up face and the torn clothing .

Presentation is 1st Class , well thought out and it was a pleasure to open the box ...all this IMO mae the puchase even more enjoyable and ets the scene for a great paintjob by the modeller.

Lets finish with picture of the painted version from the website...enjoy


There will be another from Corsar Rex ...and I can't wait to do it .........

Make sure you visit the website : WWW.CORSARREX.COM

You WILL NOT be dissapointed at any of the products irrespective of what you choose .

Thanks for looking in

Nice review Kev (y) This one snuck under my radar somehow I like that face none of yer male models here :sneaky: I shall be giving one of these a good coat looking at come birthday time ( just before FW usefully) :smug:


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