PlanetFigure Supporter
Hi All,
Euro Militare has a habit of offering a surprise at oddest of times Not always in the competition room,Friday evening before the show is a good opportunity to catch up with old friends spin a yarn and sup a pint or two
Having known Jon Barker for some time as a fellow Gravesham Military modeling club member and a darn good sculptor that never finishes any thing,to find that he has completed a figure and launched Tinderbox Models was mind blowing,having had a look at this figure earlier in the evening presented from his pocket in a zip lock bag,I thought the figure top notch and entertaining that Jon had it in his pocket all evening,after a few more pints and many laughs off to bed,in the morning pulling on my trousers to find this little man in MY pocket
odd but in a nice way.
So for Jon I thought I'd add some colour to it.........

Thanks for looking.
Best Regards
Euro Militare has a habit of offering a surprise at oddest of times Not always in the competition room,Friday evening before the show is a good opportunity to catch up with old friends spin a yarn and sup a pint or two
Having known Jon Barker for some time as a fellow Gravesham Military modeling club member and a darn good sculptor that never finishes any thing,to find that he has completed a figure and launched Tinderbox Models was mind blowing,having had a look at this figure earlier in the evening presented from his pocket in a zip lock bag,I thought the figure top notch and entertaining that Jon had it in his pocket all evening,after a few more pints and many laughs off to bed,in the morning pulling on my trousers to find this little man in MY pocket

So for Jon I thought I'd add some colour to it.........

Thanks for looking.
Best Regards