I think that should actually read, "Today I saved a lot of money".
You're right
It's a litteral translation; a French say :
"J'ai gagné au Lotto, je n'ai pas joué" .... "I won at the Lotto, I didn't play"
Opposed to the usual ... "I lost at the Lotto"
And today I received a note from my bank
... From now the interest on my saving account is a fabulous 0,1%
Well I regret not spending part of that money at Vectis .... So perhaps I must say : I misplaced my money, I forgot Vectis View attachment 237309
I don't have a Vectis account and so cannot see the end results. Can you share? What did the lots sell for?
The results of the sales are not published as a list, but included in the presentation of each lot some 1 week after so if a lot ( or more ) interest you, just give me the lot N° and I will check