Two figures in progress- Prit para pair and russian infantryman


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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2008
UK wiltshire
Dear planeteers, two figs that i started over Xmas.- but temp shelved whilst i did the JMD tommy (an Xmas pressy and one that screamed paint me!)

Firstly my first ever attempt at 1/35th scale alexander miniatures brit para pair - lovely figures but hard for my skill level, still practice makes perfect- still need detailing............

Secondarily andrea miniatures 54mm russian infantryman 1945 (berlin)
Nice figure this, looks quite merry, made the base from my bits box - not sure about paint sceme, but intend to graffiti the wall or add propaganda poster...

Advice more than welcome




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good evening!

Military Modelling Magazine did a nice piece on the Russian, called Head of the Beast. If you could use it and don't have it, I'd be glad to look and see if it is still on my library shelf.

Take care,

Kevin D.
Whoah!!! undead zombie paras!!!

I think you've been putting off painting the eyes on these fellas? Hesitate not Kirky...pile in lad, pile in. I'm liking the subdued colours: too many have made the mistake of painting a 'red beret' ....bright red! All the tones you've used are looking good, and the whole thing works very well.

The Russian in Berlin is one of the best figs I've ever seen, just perfect. Who's the sculptor of this piece? They deserve a medal!

One last point, if a photo is out of focus I wouldn't bother to post it. We can't see any detail and I start to worry that my eyes are going!

Keep up the good work!
Hi and thanks

Hi Gents,

Ta for the info re both pieces - Used vallejo colours for both figs so far - am ex regular Brit army , (artillery) so am used to the correct shade for marroon berets (served in 24 airmobile / 5 airborne and air assualt brigades - Point taken about the out of focus piccy am still getting used to photographing figures for forums - the inspiration for the Red army soldier came from reading a book called Ivans War and breifly working in Russia, those guys really went through it and "learnt to win" despite early set backs and being between a rock and a hard place so to speak.............The red army broke the nazis thru blood sweat and tears, truely a heroic effort despite "politics"

If you could share the ref material that would be much appreciated (can swap for ivans war if you like ?)

1 /35 figs are hard - havent finished the eyes because i am waiting for the whitish oil paint to dry (had to use a cocktail stick)

Thanks for the contact gents - happy painting !!!
