urinal 21 december 69


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A Fixture
Mar 14, 2012
yesterday (21) I wanted to talk about the accession to the throne of emperor by Titus Flavius ​​Vespasian, better known as Vespasian, which took place on December 21, 69 after the death of Vitellius.

In Italy, by most, he is remembered as the inventor of urinators that take their name from the emperor

It seemed bad yesterday ..

Obviously the career before and after being crowned does not stop there
Founder of the Flavian dynasty, ninth Emperor, he was the fourth to ascend the throne in 69 (the year of the four emperors), putting an end to a period of instability following the death of Nero and defined by Tacitus as "long year". Commander of the troops that had been engaged since 66 in the repression in Judea, he was acclaimed emperor by the legions of Egypt, Judea, Syria and the Danube. On the arrival of the emperor in Rome, the senate recognized him and appointed him consul for the year 70, together with his son Titus.

The civil war represented a decisive break with the past, both because the dynastic continuity in the imperial succession was interrupted, and because for the first time an emperor was appointed far from Rome. The new sovereign was recognized with a decree of the senate all the powers that had been proper to Augustus, Tiberius and Claudius. The clauses of the document strengthened the emperor's monarchical power: he was able to conclude agreements with other peoples outside the imperial borders, convene the senate and have senatoconsults approved without being limited by laws and plebiscites. The rise of Vespasian was an element of novelty: he was a novus homo, not belonging to a family of the Roman nobilitas, as he was originally from Rieti. In his politics he was careful to favor the integration of the provincials of the Empire as Claudius had previously done.

After taking the toga virilis (at the age of sixteen during the Liberalia that took place on March 17, 26), he opposed the Lactician tribunate for a long time.But then pushed by his mother to request it, he served the Roman state, starting his cursus honorum staff:

initially in the army, in Thrace, as a laticlavian for at least 3 or 4 years
later he became quaestor in the province of Crete and Cyrene (in 34 at the age of twenty-five);
later he held the position of builder, finishing in sixth place, after being rejected the first time

The military and senatorial career continued earlier, serving in the Germanic military district of Gallia Lugdunensis as legatus legionis of the legio II Augusta
Later he participated in the Roman invasion of Britain under the Emperor Claudius, where he distinguished himself, always as commander of II Augusta, under the general command of Aulus Plautius. Vespasian participated both in the important battle of Medway together with his brother Sabino and in the conquest Isle of Wight (Vette), then penetrating to the borders of Somerset, England.
In 63 he went as governor to proconsular Africa where, according to Tacitus (II.97), his behavior was infamous and hateful; according to Suetonius, on the contrary, his government was conducted with absolute integrity and honor. What is certain is that his fame and visibility in Rome grew

In 66, when Nero was informed of the defeat suffered in Judea by his legatus Augusti pro praetore of Syria, Gaius Cestius Gallus, seized by great anguish and fear, found that only Vespasian would have been up to the task, and therefore capable of leading such an important war in a victorious way

I am not going to list the various dates that led him in 69 to take on the role of emperor

One of Vespasian's most important measures was the promulgation of the lex de imperio Vespasiani, following which he and the successive emperors will govern on the basis of juridical legitimacy and no longer on the basis of divine powers as the Julius-Claudii had done. This provision can be summarized in two formulas: "the prince is released from the laws" (princeps a legibus solutus est); "Whatever pleases the prince has the force of law" (quod placuit principes legis habet vigorm).

As a censor (in 73) he reformed the Senate and the equestrian order, removing their unsuitable and unworthy members and promoting able and honest men, both among the Italics and the provincials, such as Gneo Giulio Agricola. At the same time, it made these organisms more dependent on the emperor, exerting his influence on their composition. He gave a pension of five hundred thousand sesterces a year to the poor consular.

he reformed the times of justice and, like any self-respecting emperor, he put his hand to the transformation of Rome

he rebuilt the Capitol, giving himself a hand to remove the rubble and carrying it personally on his shoulder; in this circumstance he had three thousand bronze plates rebuilt, which were completely destroyed in the recent fire, where the senatoconsults were kept almost from the foundation of the city, the plebiscites, the treaties and the alliances;
the construction of a new and functional forum began, the third after those of Caesar and Augustus, with an adjoining temple dedicated to Peace. The grandiose complex was decorated with the statues collected by Nero in Greece and Asia Minor, ancient masterpieces of painting and sculpture, as well as with the gold furnishings taken in the temple of the Jews, of which Vespasian was proud. Forum of Augustus, separated only by the Argileto, an ancient road between the Roman Forum and the Esquiline which was rearranged shortly after under Domitian with the construction of the Transitional Forum. Defined by his contemporaries as one of the wonders of the world, it was started by Vespasian (in 74) and concluded by his son Domitian;
he completed the temple of the Divine Claudius on the Celio, begun by Agrippina but almost entirely demolished by Nero to its foundations;
he ordered, as already mentioned, the construction and the taxation of numerous urinals, which took the name of "vespasians";
finally, he built a grandiose amphitheater, the Colosseum, still a symbol of ancient Rome today, in the area that he knew was intended for this by Augustus

he also extended another large amphitheater, the Pula arena, which was built in the first half of the 1st century AD.

Finally, Vespasiano had the most important road sections of the peninsula strengthened and maintained, in particular the Appia, Salaria and Flaminia roads. It is also known that the colossal statue of Nero, which was located in the vestibule of the Domus Aurea, in summa sacra via ... The subsequent fire of the Domus Aurea damaged the monument which was restored by Vespasiano, who converted it into a representation of the sun god.

of a jovial and festive character He was able to joke even in his last moments of life, when he exclaimed: "Unfortunately, I fear that he is transforming me into a God" (in Latin: "Vae, puto deus fio"). He continued, however, to fulfill his duties as emperor, even receiving legations while he was in bed. Finally feeling himself dying of a sudden attack of dysentery, he exclaimed: "An emperor must die standing up." And as he tried to get up, he died in the arms of those who were helping him, on June 23, 79, at the age of sixty-nine, one month and six days.

He will later be deified by his son Tito