Now to the resin itself
Details of the release:
Title: WW2 US Paratroopers set
Reference: MJ35003
Scale: 1/35th
Material: Lt gray resin
No of pieces: 14 in MI set, 16 with Thompson
Sculptor: Ho , Seo
Box Art: MJ Kim
M1 set
Parts consist of main body, , 2 arms , 2 heads , 2 helmets , field dressing, 2 small pouches , back pack, water bottle in pouch, spade and grenade
Thompson set
Parts consist of main body , 2 arms , heads x 2 , 2 helmets, field dressing , small knife , back pack, 2 pouches, water bottle in pouch, spade, grenade and holstered pistol .
General Information
Both figures stand casually
Both have various equipment on this includes: Spades, Water bottles, pouches, pistols, grenades
Both carry different weapons ( Garand Rifle and Thompson Machine Gun )
Both carry the weapons on the right( sculpted with the arm)
Both wear jump boots and gloves
A choice of heads ( with helmet or bareheaded) heads are the same on both pieces
Helmets can have with or without field dressing
No base is included in either
MJ Kim has also done a great painting video on You Tube , over an hour of delight
These comments apply to both sets ....all have casting blocks to remove carefully , obviously they are small so be careful , they are all located in sensible and easily got to places and when removed does not affect the quality of the casting or sculpt .
I will do this review slightly different by giving my thoughts in this way ( again these apply to both figures )
Th pieces were in 2 separate bags and held in a more than suitable box , on the top we have the excellent box art and also at the side ..good reference .

Sculpting comments
Despite the scale , the quality of the sculpting is as I wanted to see very good and very much in line with other releases from MJ Miniatures
Weapon definition is very good
Folds and creases overall sit of the clothing really very good again and the figures look like they belong in the airborne , both have divisional patches on the left sleeve.
Facial work is good with 2 options , one being bareheaded the other is sculpted with the top cut and angled to take the helmet of your choice.
Helmets are the correct shape with camo included , nice work on the actual netting itself .
Webbing is very well done , I like the addition of a spade and the pistol option together with the grenade , all pouches are the correct style with good strapping details
Jump Boots and gloves are what epitomised the US para item sought after by other soldiers ...again we see the high level of sculpting on both , I like the way the gloves look at the wrist as well .
Casting comments
Despite the small scale this is very good with the casting blocks being positioned with care and thought which helps a lot when taking the pieces off to build the figure , casting has not lost anything that the sculptor did and the resin quality is very good retaining the detail well.
Lets have the pictures

Final Thoughts
This is good to see that MJ Miniatures are now looking at a wider market place with this scale , opening up their products to those that do diorama's and larger set pieces , the quality is very good both in sculpting and the casting .and with lots of build options to add or leave off webbing etc , allowing many variations of the same figure and of course there is also the conversion potential as well .
For more information on this and other release as well as the many items released in all scales why not visit:
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Thank you to MJ Miniatures for the review items and for you all for looking in
Enjoy the modelling time