Alpine #H002
"US Tanker Heads & Hands"
4 Heads & 4 hand set
1/35th scale resin
8 parts
This is Alpine's second Head & Hand set to compliment their figures and open up a tremendous variation of what can be done with their figures by switching a head or switching a hand.
Arriving in Alpine's traditional green and clear plastic box the heads and hands are sealed inside clear zip-lok bags to ensure against loss during shipping.
Head #1
Head #2
Above are the first two heads with the box art example above them.
Above are head set number three and four. Each head with a different head gear and facial expression.
Above are the four optional hands, 2 right and 2 left hands.
Conclusion: An excellent accessory to customize your figure and provide more options to the existing figure. Highly recommended for the WWII enthusiast.