Review USMC Recon from Recon Productions


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to one and all ,

Recon Productions is a company run by a fine fellow from Norway by the name of Sverre Melleby who created the company a couple of years back and in whose own words releases have been erratic !!! ...but no matter there as when they do come along they are worth waiting for so I was very happy to see details about the release.
They have released 3 items previously ( all which I have reviewed being 2 busts and 1 full figure all SF subjects , here are the links

The next release was previewed here by Sverre

and the release actually announced here:


So we have a bust of a USMC Grenadier in Vietnam circa 1970 very much an elite force to be reckoned with , tasked with obtainig intelligence against an enemy in Vietnam who were very often virtually unseen .

Marine Recon were in country from the start in 1965 to 1974 when the last unit left .

Generally working in 4-8 man teams , varying on the task in hand , both plain green and camo uniforms were in use often together , equipment could be stowed as they wished and weapons were many including grenade launchers ( M79 ) which is what our release has.

The elite force continues in action to this day in modern conflicts all knowing full well the history and elite status so hard earned during training and in action by Recon past , present and indeed future.

A fascinating research to do is on the many and varied unit patches , flashes in use both by recon and other units during the Vietnam period


Books are as always readily available here are a few I have and really recommend to look at


And one on insignia


Lets have some information on the release itself

What are we looking at:

Title: USMC Recon Grenadier Vietnam 1970

Series : "Men with Green Faces"

Scale : 1/9th

Reference: RP09-04

No of parts : 12 and information insert

Material: Gray Resin

Sculptor: Sverre Melleby

Box Art; Sverre Melleby

Casting by : YS Castings

As with the previous release presentation is very professional the secure cardboard box is itself wrapped in a satin surfaced paper "envelope" this is in full colour with the Box Art being clear and well reproduced.
Recon 001.jpg Recon 002.jpg

On opening the box we also find inserts one with a history
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and colour notes
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You will note the text in memory of Sverre's grandfather , truely he must have been an incredible man .

I would like to dedicate this review to him , in my own small way paying tribute to him and his experiences.

With parts being secured in plastic bags which are themselves surrounded by shredded paper, its good additional protection and recycling from Recon.

Parts consist of the torseo , head , hat, weapon(with hand) , backpack , weapon sight, 2 waterbottle ( top pieces) 2 grenades , 1 small ( 1st aid pouch) and a combat knife

Recon 006.jpg

In the review sample there is a resin base but in every 3rd purchase you will get a real brass casing and fittings a nice addition you never know you might be the lucky 3rd !!



The first thing to say is the casting is excellent , minimal resin to remove and all easy to do and easy to access .

Secondly the fit of all parts is very good indeed

Torso....Small plug under left arm

Weapon/Right arm...Remove casting remnant from underneath arm , small post on stock and trigger to sand away

Head....Sand excess off top of head and well engineered in build

Hat... Small sanding on edges to backpack

Grenades....Sand 2 tiny resin spots on one and fit

1st Aid Pouch..Sand top edge and fit ( upside down )

Combat Knife....Sand 2 small spots on back of scabbard and fit

Weapon sight...Remove from former , take flashing away and fit in place.

Back Pack ...Sand off 2 small bits of resin from underneath

Continued in next post

Now for some real pictures from the Vietnam period and great references as wel

...RESPECT to all that served and those that never made it home and those that did but still carry the scars


Now lets rumble with the resin

In this part I will share the torso , head and the arm ( with weapon )


The rein itself is high quality and shows no blemishes whatsoever.

Sculpted in classic style we have the right arm in full when added , on the torso its cut very cleverly just above the wrist , there is a cut out as well this is to take the stock of the weapon ...and it fits perfectly and a clever idea as well , as we see in period pictures equipment is strewn everywhere possible , across his chest we have grenade pouches in the form of bandolier's , pockets are bulging , around the neck we have the ever present "drive on rag" or Olive Drab towel ...a vital piece of kit in the humid and sweat filled conditions .

Recon 008.jpg

It good to see the pouches looking like they are full and this is emphasised by the sculpting rather nicely , the flaps are slightly turned up with use.

The towel has good texture on it , good idea to use washes to bring this out more.

The webbing straps are clearly sculpted , nice undercuts , stitching as well , the haversack straps are pulling heavily into the shoulder very nicely ...the pack would have been full of as much as possible and strewn with kit.

The neck area has the towel sculpted round it and the cut out is readily free to take the head ..

Recon 013.jpg
Recon 014.jpg

Recon 012.jpgRecon 009.jpgRecon 010.jpg
At the back we have a good sized piece of resin forming the fitment block for the backpack , on the underside there is a cutout for the base and a nice little "Recon" pad

Recon 011.jpg Recon 007.jpg


This is a young guys as so many were in Vietnam , and yet despite the horrors he has seen he still has a smile , features are excellent this is a thing that is certainly noticeable in all the releases , eye definition is sharp with the ears and nose work being equally the same high standard the chin is strong in style and prominent with cheek and neck muscles are sculpted very well , Sverre certainly knows his craft .

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Hair is short and perhaps needs a bit more definition if you wish to do so Recon 018.jpg

Fit is by the angled neck into a same shaped cut out ...and is in no need of any filler .

Weapon/Right Hand

This is a very clever bit of sculpting and the casting is excellent , consisting of the hand and the wrist cast onto the weapon and holding it , a finger is on the trigger .

The sleeve is nicely folded and he wears the recon gloves this is another area of great sculpting , the glove held tight to the hand by a strap , the fingers and the nails are really very good , accurate and well scaled.

The weapon detail is a very good representation of the M79 grenade launcher , trigger detail sharply done , the securing screws are also well done , the front sight is correct with the rear sight being fitted separately , I will probably drill the barrel out further...but very carefully !!!

No strap is included but that's easy enough to add if you wish to

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Recon 023.jpg
Recon 020.jpg

Continued in next post

Lets do the final pieces now


This is what was known as a "boonie" and often shaped to personal choice by using wire in the rim , turned up, turned down , issued in either camo or OD , the details are all in the sculpt , battered with wear with the distinctive 2 vents in the side , the loops around the edge all correctly shown, the brim is well shaped and textured , sometimes a cord was added to avoid getting lost , a comfortable piece of kit and each soldier wearing to his own style .

Fit is simple and sits well to the top of the head , minimal filler if any will be needed .

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Back Pack

This depicts the commonly used and liked AVRN version

Firstly the fit to the back of the torso is really good on all sides including the undersides , the pack is very full with the 2 pockets straining as a result the retaining straps pulling well , these straps show nice sharp details on the buckles sitting on the top we have the M127 "Pop Flare" held in place by the straps , these flares came in many colours including white and red , ID'd by a relevant colour band ( see references )

At the sides we have 2 locating lugs for a waterbottle , one being shaped square the other circular with a smal extension both which matches the resin on the bottle.

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At the back we have a matching cut out for the resin on the torso rear

Recon 027.jpg

Water bottles/ 1st Aid Pouch/ Grenades/ Weapon Sight/Combat Knife/ Base

The water bottles so vital to carry are just the top parts but extremely well details including the shaped top and attachment piece , the cover is well textured on both with the opening being secured in place .

Fit is easy , one to each side of the AVRN back pack

Recon 034.jpgRecon 035.jpg

The small pouch again is a good shaped and closed , its is fitted facing down .....WHY / I believe to allow easier access to the filed dressing , fit is by matching up the hole with the small circle of resin on the right shoulder

Recon 037.jpg

Grenades these are the M18 Smoke version in many colours again see the reference picture , fit is to backpack at an angle between the large pockets at the back. , details are good on the pull rings , no transfers are included so careful painting of the lettering is needed .

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The Sight is delicate and a great addition to the weapon itself , but in place is very much in keeping with the original , care will be needed when removing and fitting but worth the effort .

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Combat Knife or more commonly known as a "Ka-Bar " in its sheath with good detail in shape and with the distinctive handle being of particular note , again these were worn upside down for quick access and fits like so to the left shoulder strap .

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Base...this is a casting in resin of a round, easy to fit into the cut out underneath the torso , the underneath has the correct numbers on it as well , a shame to hide these when fitted or you could perhaps incorporate the piece within the display base itself.


In certain purchase you will also get an original brass round casing , you also get a screw to fit the casing to your chosen wooden display base ...and a set of instructions on how to fit!!!!

Final Thoughts

Its been a while but without doubt well worth the wait , a very talented sculptor who also paints the box art , presentation and quality of the resin and the casting is extremely high and I have no hesitation in recommending this and all the other Recon products

For more details why not go to the website for full details of this and the other releases

or follow on FB at


or PM him via this forum

Thanks to Recon for the review item and for you all for looking in

Happy modelling

Very nice that is an understatement ! bloody marvelous I cant get over the amount of detail that you go to deliver such a presentation and well great job Kev really .........