Vallejo color recommendations


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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
Hi Everyone,

I just order this little guy from Lancers. I was wondering if anyone could make a recommendation for the base, highlight and shadow colors from Vallajo of his uniform? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

SEIL ACW Drummer Boy


If I were to paint a Federal overcoat or greatcoat I would use the following colors.
All in equal parts.

964 Field Blue 943 Grey Blue for base coat-

867 Dark Blue Grey 964 Field Blue for shadows-

964 Field Blue 844 Deep Sky blue for highlights-

I would probably do ALOT of playing with the colors in between.

With the forage cap I would paint it 899 Dark Prussian Blue with 950 Black as a base. Highlight with 899 with 867 Dark Blue Grey.

The darker the coat the better. IMO most painters of Civil War figures tend to paint the sky blue Federal trousers too light . Union kersey has almost an greyish/ greenish tone to it's "sky blue" and varied in degree with each batch from the many factory's and arsenals. But still maintained that dark tone to it.

Hope that all made sense. Good luck!

Jason, Great paint mix. I probably asked you for these before but will write them down. I totally agree with you about the sky blue, painters literally paint it sky blue. in a lot of cases.~Gary
Originally posted by Jason W.@Dec 3 2005, 03:29 PM
IMO most painters of Civil War figures tend to paint the sky blue Federal trousers too light . Union kersey has almost an greyish/ greenish tone to it's "sky blue" and varied in degree with each batch from the many factory's and arsenals.
Jason, Thanks for the great info. What would your mix be for the trousers then?
Originally posted by Jason W.@Dec 3 2005, 03:29 PM

If I were to paint a Federal overcoat or greatcoat I would use the following colors.
All in equal parts.

964 Field Blue 943 Grey Blue for base coat-

867 Dark Blue Grey 964 Field Blue for shadows-

964 Field Blue 844 Deep Sky blue for highlights-

I would probably do ALOT of playing with the colors in between.

With the forage cap I would paint it 899 Dark Prussian Blue with 950 Black as a base. Highlight with 899 with 867 Dark Blue Grey.

The darker the coat the better. IMO most painters of Civil War figures tend to paint the sky blue Federal trousers too light . Union kersey has almost an greyish/ greenish tone to it's "sky blue" and varied in degree with each batch from the many factory's and arsenals. But still maintained that dark tone to it.

Hope that all made sense. Good luck!

That's exactly the mix I use for sky blue, great minds think alike :lol:
I'm a little confused, possibly becasue this is my first Civil War figure and it's not my area of expertise. Jason has given me a mix for the dark blue coat/overcoat. In the future, if I wanted to paint a figure with sky blue trousers, this isn't the mix I would use. Correct? If not, what would that mix be for the sky blue trousers? Like this guy from Michael Roberts

An Example
Originally posted by pmacko@Dec 4 2005, 08:13 AM
I'm a little confused, possibly becasue this is my first Civil War figure and it's not my area of expertise. Jason has given me a mix for the dark blue coat/overcoat. In the future, if I wanted to paint a figure with sky blue trousers, this isn't the mix I would use. Correct? If not, what would that mix be for the sky blue trousers? Like this guy from Michael Roberts

An Example

Forget the words "sky blue". I have no idea where that term for Union trousers and such came from.

Think of the color (for trousers and overcoats) as a medium blue with a touch of grey.

The mix I gave you is what I personally would use for Union soldiers. Maybe too dark for some but thats MY preference.

For Union sack coats and frocks I would go even darker. Dark Prussian blue with Black. Highlighted w/ Dark Prussian Blue and a little Dark Blue Grey. Being careful NOT to over highlight.

Give the trouser/overcoat mix a try on a scrap figure and see what you think. If it's too dark add more 943 Grey Blue. Try to stay on the "grey" side of blue. You can also add any medium grey colors to the mix.

Play with the colors and find what YOU like. And have fun with it! As long as you stay in the medium blue/grey tone (for trousers and overcoats) you can't go wrong.

Keep shooting any more questions. This is what we're all here for. :)

Jason and Paul,
I have in the past tried the mixture you suggest for frocks and sack coats (same color for kepi/ forage caps) and find it not to my liking. I have found a base of Oxford Blue, with first shadow of Oxford Blue + Dark Prussian Blue, second shadow (deepest) Oxford Blue + Black, works for me. BTW all colors are Vallejo (sorry not post numbers I don't have access to my paints right now). Sorry to cause any confusion.